Error handling
Here are some common errors you might encounter when using our Data Portability API, along with tips on how to resolve them.
Your integration code should contain error handling logic to gracefully handle any errors that can occur on a request to the Data Portability API. The endpoint returns an HTTP error status code(4xx for a client-side error or 5xx for a server-side error).
Error Response
"errorCode": <HTTP error status code>,
"errorMessaage": <Error cause>
HTTP status codes
200 - OK
The request completed successfully and the response contains the requested data.
400 - Bad request
Invalid request. No live port request exists for the user in our system. These can be the probable reasons:-
- The request expired its lifetime.
- The report has already been ported by some other client.
- User cancelled the port request.
Please ask the user to initiate a new data porting request on and generate a new Data Portability URL.
401 - Unauthorised
The request cannot be authenticated. The access token is invalid. Probable reasons:-
- The access token has expired.
- The client is not registered for the DMA scope.
- Please request a new access token by following the steps mentioned here.
- Please register the client to consume the DMA scope.
500 - Internal Server Error
Something went wrong while processing your request. There seems to be an issue in our system.
Please try again after some time.
429 - Too Many Request
The request cannot be accepted because you have sent too many requests in a given amount of time.
Please try again after some time.