Demand API
Connect to our world-class travel experience

Build the travel planning experience that works best for you and your audience with our API solution

A single connection to stays, transportation and attractions

Car rentals
Airport taxis*

* coming soon

Customise your travel experience

Select the API integration that matches your business needs

Content only

Share our content with your audience and redirect them to our platform to plan and book their next trip

Search and Look

Let your audience start their search on your website and redirect them to our platform to complete their booking

Entire booking journey

Allow your audience to search, find and book their next trip directly on your website

Post-booking, report and loyalty

Create a complete travel experience with search, booking, payments, reporting and loyalty programmes

Recommended for Affiliate Partners.

Get started today following these steps

Get inspired
Learn about our Demand API reading our documentation
Meet the requirements
Are you a Managed Affiliate Partner? Then, this is for you!
Get authentication token
Use your key to start trying our API
Choose the API capabilities you prefer
Integrate your selected API to your website
Start testing
Test and check everything works correctly
Go live!
Connect your audience to worldwide travel

Here’s what some of our partners have to say

In such a big company like, you might imagine a less reactive environment but we work in an agile mode. Between us, we work fast and create multiple iterations, delivering products within a short period.

Ziad Minkara

Ziad Minkara

CEO and Founder of CDS Groupe

We’ve partnered with for seven years, and in that time I’ve seen how crafting experiences and solutions that cater to modern travellers requires not just innovation but collaboration. Working with forward-thinking industry leaders like has been key to our success, allowing us to grow our offerings and meet our travellers where they are.

Jean Charles

Jean Charles

Head of Supply Acquisition at Stay22

Over the years, it’s become abundantly clear how valuable’s data sharing is for businesses like mine. We’ve worked with many other global tech companies and utilised their data in the past, but none have rivalled’s reliable data supply and stable API endpoints.

Ted Valentin

Ted Valentin

Founder of Valentin Travel Labs