Last updated

Retrieving promotion channels

Business booker rates has been sunset has sunset Business booker rates since September 16, 2022 and is therefore no longer usable.

Use this endpoint to retrieve promotion channels by ID. The response includes a list of all available channels for that promotion.

Retrieving empty response

If you have already activated a property's promotion channel or if the property is not eligible, the getpromotionchannels endpoint returns an empty response.



Sample request for Geo rate


Request body

requestRoot element.object1..1-
hotel_idThe ID of the property for which you want to retrieve available promotion channels.integer1..1-
typeSpecifies a promotion type for which to filter the available channels.string0..1-

Sample response for Geo Rate

This example contains all possible fields that can be included in the response.

    <promotionchannel id="thailand_pos" name="Thailand"/>
    <promotionchannel id="colombia_pos" name="Columbia"/>
    <promotionchannel id="kuwait_pos" name="Kuwait"/>
    <promotionchannel id="eu_pos" name="Europe"/>
    <promotionchannel id="switzerland_pos" name="Switzerland"/> 
<!-- RUID: [...] -->

Response body

This table gives more details about some of the fields in the response.


Not all fields are relevant for all response types. A value of -1 indicates that the current field is not relevant for the current response type.

promotionchannelsRoot element.array of promotionchannel
promotionchannelPromotion channel details.object
idPromotion channel ID.string
nameName of the promotion channel.string

Schema validation errors

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  <fault code="400">
    <string>code= 1824 level= 2 message= Element 'hotel_id': 'test hotel' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:integer'.
<!-- RUID: [...] -->

Invalid ID errors

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  <fault code="1009">
    <string>Access denied for hotel '234324'</string>
<!-- RUID: [...] -->

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  <fault code="400">
    <string>Invalid promotion ID= TR</string>
<!-- RUID: [...] -->