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Fine print objects

We provide a number of pre-defined "fine print" phrases that can be displayed with a property's information on These phrases cover common rules and policies regarding check-in procedures, payment deadlines, and so on. You can configure the phrases with a StandardPhrases element, contained in a TPA_Extensions parent. This page describes the elements and attributes of this particular variant of the TPA_Extensions descendants tree.

Sample XML

The sample below is an excerpt and not a valid XML document.

    <StandardPhrase Name="KeyCollection" Enabled="1">
        <Option Name="KeyCollectionAddressLine">Rembrandtplein</Option>
        <Option Name="KeyCollectionCityName">Amsterdam</Option>
        <Option Name="KeyCollectionPostalCode">1017 CD</Option>
    <StandardPhrase Name="GuestIdentification" Enabled="1"/>
    <StandardPhrase Name="InformArrivalTime" Enabled="1"/>
    <StandardPhrase Name="PayBeforeStay" Enabled="1"/>
    <StandardPhrase Name="TattooRestriction" Enabled="1"/>
    <StandardPhrase Name="Renovation" Enabled="1">
        <Option Name="RenovationFrom">2017-02-18</Option>
        <Option Name="RenovationUntil">2017-02-19</Option>
    <StandardPhrase Name="SecurityDeposit" Enabled="1">
        <Option Name="SecurityDepositAmount">120</Option>


Our extensions to the OTA standard. Child of HotelDescriptiveContentNotif (see OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotif).

StandardPhrases-array of StandardPhraseOptional-


Contains configuration details for a standard phrase to display with the property's details on Child of StandardPhrases (see TPA_Extensions).


Some standard phrases do not appear for certain property types.

StandardPhrase[@Enabled]Specifies whether the standard phrase is enabled.booleanRequiredBoolean expressed as integer. Accepts: 1 (true), 0 (false).
StandardPhrase[@Name]Specifies the type of standard phrase.enumRequiredAccepts: GuestIdentification, InformArrivalTime, KeyCollection, PayBeforeStay, Renovation, SecurityDeposit, TattooRestriction.
NOTE: Some values have consequences for Option.
Options-array of OptionOptionalRequired if StandardPhrase[@Name] is KeyCollection, Renovation, or SecurityDeposit. See also Option@Name.


The attribute StandardPhrase[@Name] specifies which standard phrase must be displayed. It accepts the values in the table below. Some values require the presence of one or more Option children inside the StandardPhrase element. For examples, see Sample XML.

GuestIdentificationGuests must show photo identification and credit card when checking in.
InformArrivalTimeGuests must inform the property in advance of their expected arrival time.
KeyCollectionGuests must collect their key at a specified address. Use Option elements to specify the address details.
PayBeforeStayGuests must pay for their stay in advance with a bank transfer.
RenovationThe property will be undergoing renovations during a specified period. Use Option elements to specify the start and end date.
SecurityDepositGuests must pay a specified amount as a refundable deposit, to cover any damages they cause to the property. Use an Option element to specify the amount.
TattooRestrictionGuests with tattoos are not allowed to use certain facilities at the hotel, such as communal baths.


Contains additional details about certain standard phrases. Child of Options (see StandardPhrase).


This element is required if StandardPhrase[@Name] is KeyCollection, Renovation, or SecurityDeposit. See also StandardPhrase@Name.

Option[@Name]The type of option.enumRequiredAccepts: KeyCollectionAddressLine, KeyCollectionCityName, KeyCollectionPostalCode, RenovationFrom, RenovationUntil, SecurityDepositAmount. See Option@Name for details.


The attribute Option[@Name] accepts the values in the table below.


Pay close attention to the first part of each value name. It contains a reference to a possible value of StandardPhrase@Name. For example, Option[@Name="KeyCollectionAddressName"] refers to StandardPhrase[@Name="KeyCollection"].

This reference implies a certain requirement, which we explain in more detail in the Description column. Don't forget to also check the full XML sample.

KeyCollectionAddressLineThe street name and number for the key collection address. Required if StandardPhrase[@Name="KeyCollection"].
KeyCollectionCityNameThe city name for the key collection address. Required if StandardPhrase[@Name="KeyCollection"].
KeyCollectionPostalCodeThe postal code for the key collection address. Required if StandardPhrase[@Name="KeyCollection"].
RenovationFromThe start date of the renovations. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Required if StandardPhrase[@Name="Renovation"].
RenovationUntilThe end date of the renovations. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Required if StandardPhrase[@Name="Renovation"].
SecurityDepositAmountThe deposit amount, in the property's default currency. Required if StandardPhrase[@Name="SecurityDeposit"].