You can temporarily change the dates for reservations before check-in (including payment by Booking reservations). You can also temporarily change the check-in and check-out day more than once within 24 hours. This way you can manage reservation changes for guests who want to postpone due to Covid-19 regulations. For more information, see Modifying reservations before check-in.
For now, partners can only move reservations to different dates, keeping the length of stay and price unchanged.
Report reservations changes
Use the Reporting API to report the following types of changes to a reservation:
- Guest provided invalid credit card
- Changes to check-out date and/or price
- Cancellation due to guest no-show
- Cancellation due to invalid credit card
- Guest misconduct
Read on for details about each reporting function. To learn more about the commercial and design aspects of the Reporting API, try these additional materials:
- The slideshow Provider Handbook: Reporting API explains the commercial benefits of using the Reporting API.
- The slideshow Reporting API: UI Handbook for Providers provides guidelines on how to design UI components related to the Reporting API.
Reporting endpoint URL
Use the following method and URL to call the Reporting API:
Request body
Field | Description | Type | Occurrences | Notes |
request | Root element. | object | 1..1 | - |
reservation_id | The ID of the reservation you want to mark as having an invalid credit card. | integer | 1..1 | You must have permission to edit this reservation. |
report | The type of report. | enum | 0..1 | Accepts: cc_is_invalid , cancel_reservation_invalid_cc , is_no_show |
report[@waived_fees] | Specifies whether the property will waive the no-show fees. | enum | 0..1 | Only allowed when value of report is is_no_show . Accepts: yes , no . Default: no |
stay_change | Parent element for changed stay details. | string | 0..* | - |
roomreservation_id | The ID for the room booked within the reservation (provided in the original reservation message). | integer | 0..1 | Required if stay_change exists. The room must belong to the reservation specified in the reservation_id . For OTA reservations, this will be the value in the IndexNumber . |
checkin | The new check-in date for the changed stay, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. | date (YYYY-MM-DD ) | 0..1 | Default: current check-in date. |
checkout | The new check-out date for the changed stay, in ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format. | date (YYYY-MM-DD ) | 0..1 | Required if stay_change exists. Date must be after check-in date. |
price | The new price for changed stay, in the currency defined for the property by | integer | 0..1 | Non-negative integer. |
is_no_show | Specifies the room reservations to mark as guest no-show. | object | 0..* | Required if value of report is is_no_show . |
is_no_show[@roomreservation_id] | The ID for the room in the reservation (provided in the original reservation message). | integer | 0..1 | The room must belong to the reservation you specified in reservation_id . |
is_no_show[@waived_fees] | Specifies whether the property will waive the no-show fees. | enum | 0..1 | Accepts: yes , no . Default: no |
misconduct_details | Object containing additional information for guest misconduct report type. | object | 0..1 | For details and structure see the misconduct_details structure. |
Report invalid credit card
Properties can mark credit cards as invalid if the card doesn't meet validation conditions (card expired, incorrect number, insufficient funds, etc.).
An invalid credit card can be reported immediately after the reservation is made, or up until midnight (00:00) on the day of check-in, in the property's local timezone. You can report a credit card as invalid for the entire reservation and not per room basis.
Example request: cc_is_invalid
See the request body table for detailed information about each field.
After a credit card is reported as invalid, the booker receives an email and SMS from inviting them to enter a different, valid credit card details before a deadline. The deadline depends on when the reservation was made, relative to the planned check-in day and time. Read more about this in our Partner Help.
If the booker does not enter valid credit card details before the deadline, the property may cancel the reservation. See Report cancellation due to invalid credit card.
Example responses: cc_is_invalid
Error 400: Credit card not required for reservation
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<fault code="400">
<string>"You cannot mark credit card as invalid since it is not required"</string>
Error 400: Credit card is already marked as invalid
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<fault code="400">
<string>"Card is already marked as invalid"</string>
Error 400: Reservation still being processed
We recommend waiting at least 1 minute after receiving a reservation before reporting an invalid credit card.
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<fault code="400">
<string>"You cannot mark credit card as invalid. Please try again later"</string>
Report cancellation due to invalid credit card
A property may cancel a reservation if the guest's credit card details are invalid and certain conditions are met. Read more about these conditions in our Partner Help.
Example request: cancel_reservation_invalid_cc
See the request body table for detailed information about each field.
Example responses: cancel_reservation_invalid_cc
Error 400: Reservation can't be cancelled
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<fault code="400">
<string>"Cannot cancel the reservation. Make sure all preconditions are met"</string>
Report stay change
A property can change the check-out date of a room and set a new price for the reservation. The booker automatically receives a confirmation email with the new reservation dates and/or price.
A stay with modified dates can result in a room becoming available on dates it was previously booked. We do not automatically update the room's availability if this happens. The property must update their calendar in Extranet, or the Connectivity Partner must push new availability with the API.
You can temporarily change the check-out day more than once within 24 hours. This way you can manage reservation changes for guests who want to postpone due to Covid-19 regulations. For more information, see Modifying reservations before check-in.
A stay can be changed if:
- the guest has already checked in
- the status of the reservation allows modifications
- the reservation is not overbooked
- the property does not use payments by or online payments. For more information on payments, see payments.
- the change does not involve setting a new check-out date for a stay whose check-out date was already changed in the last 24-hour period (calculated as 00:00–23:59 CE(S)T)
The new stay must meet these conditions:
- the stay length is at least 1 night
- if the reservation is non-refundable, the new price must not be lower than the original price
Example request: stay_change
See the request body table for detailed information about each field.
Example responses: stay_change
Error 404: Room reservation not found
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<fault code="400">
<string>"Not found error: room reservation could not be found."</string>
Error 400: Room reservation doesn't belong to this property
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<fault code="400">
<string>"Room reservation not within right hotel reservation."</string>
Error 400: Direct payment property
Direct payments refer to payments by and online payments. For more information on payments, see payments
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<fault code="400">
<string>"Not able to change stay for a direct payment hotel."</string>
Report guest no-show
If a guest doesn't show up on the planned check-in date, the property may mark the reservation (or a specific room in a multi-room reservation) as "no show". This results in either a cancellation or a modification, depending on if it is a complete or partial no-show.
The property can waive no-show fees, if desired. This means will not charge commission for the reservation.
You can mark a reservation as a no-show from 00:00 (midnight, in property's local time) on the planned check-in date, up to 48 hours after the planned check-out date, provided that:
- the status of the reservation allows modifications
- the reservation isn't overbooked
After you mark a reservation as a no-show, it is no longer modifiable. The API returns an error if you try to change the reservation again.
A room reservation won't be considered a part of the reservation anymore if the reservation is marked as a no-show.
The property reserves the right to charge no-show fees (unless waived), in line with their cancellation policies listed on
The booker will receive an email explaining that (part of) their reservation has been cancelled. If the property did not waive the cancellation fees, the email will also instruct the booker to pay any cancellation costs outlined on
A no-show can result in a room becoming available on dates it was previously booked. We do not automatically update the room's availability if this happens. The property must update their calendar in Extranet, or the Connectivity Partner must push new availability with the API.
Example request: is_no_show
See the request body table for detailed information about each field.
This request reports the full reservation as a no-show.
<report waived_fees="yes">is_no_show</report>
This request reports one room in the reservation as a no-show.
<is_no_show roomreservation_id="2345678" waived_fees="yes" />
Example responses: is_no_show
Error 400: Too early to cancel
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<fault code="400">
<string>"Not able to cancel booking earlier than 1 day after the check in."</string>
Error 400: Too late to cancel
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<fault code="400">
<string>"Not able to cancel booking later than 2 days after the check in."</string>
Error 400: Can't cancel, overbooked
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<fault code="400">
<string>"Not able to cancel overbooked."</string>
Error 400: Can't cancel, unmodifiable booking
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<fault code="400">
<string>"Not able to cancel unmodifiable booking."</string>
Report guest misconduct
If a guest did damage to the property or performed any other misconduct - you can perform a report.
This type of report can only be done after reservation check-in date and no later than 7 days after check-out date.
In order to report a guest misconduct you need to:
- Retrieve all the possible guest misconduct categories and subcategories via Misconduct Categories Call.
- Some report types require you to provide additional fields (for example, Property Damage category). You can find their descriptions in the
section of the resulting xml.
- Some report types require you to provide additional fields (for example, Property Damage category). You can find their descriptions in the
- Send a request with corresponding category/subcategory and additional fields.
Provide all the details using the misconduct_details
object (see an example below).
Request body parameters
All the fields are mandatory, unless otherwise specified.
Field | Description | Type | Possible values | Notes |
category_id | Guest misconduct category ID | string | - | You can retrieve all possible categories and subcategories with Misconduct Categories Call. |
subcategory_id | Guest misconduct subcategory ID | string | - | This parameter needs to be omitted if chosen category doesn't have any subcategories |
details_text | Free text for any details that you want to provide | string | - | The maximum possible length is 240 characters, it is an optional parameter |
escalate_report | A flag that indicates whether you would like to follow up on this incident | integer | 0, 1 | 0 = do not escalate the report, 1 = escalate the report |
rebooking_allowed | A flag that indicates whether you want to prevent this guest from booking your properties in future | integer | 0, 1 | 0 = do not allow this guest to book your properties again, 1 = allow this guest to book your property in future |
Example request: guest_misconduct - Breaking House Rules
The request below reports reservation as guest misconduct with: category #7 (Breaking House Rules) and subcategory #170 (Smoking)
<details_text>Guest was smoking in the room.</details_text>
Example request: guest_misconduct - Property damage
The request below reports reservation as guest misconduct with: category #9 (Property damage).
Note that this category has no subcategories, so no subcategory_id
is provided.
<details_text>Guest left the property dirty and one of chairs was broken.</details_text>
Example responses: guest_misconduct
Error - subcategory_id is invalid
<fault code="400">
<string>Misconduct `subcategory_id` is invalid or subcategory does not belong to selected `category_id`</string>
Error - details_text is too long
<fault code="400">
<string>Misconduct `details_text` cannot exceed 240 characters</string>
Troubleshooting common error messages
Error 404: Reservation not found
These are general error messages that the API can return for any of the above requests.
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<fault code="404">
<string>"Reservation 1234567 not found."</string>
Error 400: Bad request
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<fault code="400">
<string>"Either a report or a stay change is required."</string>
Error 500: Generic error
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<fault code="500">
<string>"Internal server error."</string>
Going live
Before you go live with your API integration, you'll need to meet certain requirements. For more information, see Going Live.