Last updated

Step 2 – Check the availability and select room(s) you want to book →

Step 1 – Create inventory, rates and restrictions for your test property

Use the B.XML availability endpoint to specify your test property's inventory for specific rooms, rates, and dates.

Alternatively, you can use the OTA_HotelAvailNotif endpoint to specify the inventory and restriction of your test property. To specify the price amount, use the OTA_HotelRateAmountNotif endpoint.

In order to make a test reservation, you’ll need to make sure you have sent both rates and availability, and correctly configured restrictions.

We recommend creating inventory and rates for a period far in the future. In this way, you will have enough time to retrieve the booking and test making modifications and cancellation.

Creating test reservation with children occupancy

To create test reservations with children occupancy, you must first set up pricing for children on your test property using Flexible child rates. Note that the property should have children policy, age buckets and all relevant guest occupancies setup already.

It could take up to 24 hours to fully sync the price updates in the staging environment. Therefore, we recommend taking step 2 at least one day after you have set up the prices.

For more information, see Managing flexible children rates.