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Step 2 – Retrieve property details →

Step 1 – Create property

You are ready to create your first property. This is one of the most essential API calls you'll make – and one of the more complex. The call results in the creation of a property "skeleton" that will eventually contain a property's contact details, fee policies, and much more.

But let's keep it simple. The property you're about to create won't contain too many fields – just those necessary to pass checks. You can add more fields later.

Each property must have at least one cancellation policy

When creating a property using the OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotif endpoint, if you do not specify the policy details, the API creates a fully-flexible policy (PolicyCode=152) as the default policy for the property.

Property contact information

Let's start with the basics. Each property's contact information must include:

  • a physical address;
  • a general contact person;
  • an invoicing address.

Send a new request with this method and URL:


There's a sample request below. It contains a few {PlaceHolders} you need to replace:

{LegalEntityID}The ID of a legal entity to which you have access. The property you create will belong to this legal entity.
{CityName}, {PostalCode}A city and postal code valid for the specified {CountryCode}.
{CountryCode}The two-letter code for a country in which you have permission to create a property. This depends on your contract with
{Latitude}, {Longitude}The geographical latitude and longitude for your property. Example: <Position Latitude="52.365686" Longitude="4.898508" />
{PropertyType}The Property Class Type Code representing the type of property (such as an apartment or hotel).

Sample request

This request creates a test property. It's a test property because of the attribute OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ[@Target="Test"]. For a real property, you would use Production instead of Test.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      HotelName="The Best Hotel"
        <ContactInfo ContactProfileType="PhysicalLocation">
              <AddressLine>1 Street Name</AddressLine>
              <!-- Replace the {PlaceHolders} in the following lines! -->
        <ContactInfo ContactProfileType="general">
            <Name Language="en">
            <Phone PhoneNumber="+31666666666" PhoneTechType="1" Extension="30" />
        <ContactInfo ContactProfileType="invoices">
            <Name Language="en">
              <AddressLine>Herengracht 597</AddressLine>
              <PostalCode>1017 CE</PostalCode>
              <StateProv StateCode="NH" />
            <Phone PhoneNumber="+31666666666" PhoneTechType="1" Extension="30" />
          <GuestRoomInfo Quantity="10" />
          <!-- Replace the {PlaceHolder} in the following line! -->
          <HotelCategory ExistsCode="1" Code="{PropertyType}" />
        <!-- Replace the {PlaceHolder} in the following line! -->
        <Position Latitude="{Latitude}" Longitude="{Longitude}" />
            <!-- Replace the {PlaceHolder} in the following line! -->
            <CompanyName Code="{LegalEntityID}" />

Sample response

It can take around 30 seconds to get a response if your request has a large body. A successful response looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS.xsd" TimeStamp="2018-02-07T10:42:02+00:00" Target="Test" Version="3.000">
    <UniqueID Type="10" ID="1234567" />
    <Success />
<!-- RUID: [UmFuZG9tSVY...] -->

Take a note of the value of UniqueID[@ID]. This is the unique ID we assigned to your property. You'll need it for further operations.

To learn more

Learn more about the last call here: OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotif.

Add basic policies and services

You have created a new property with the default fully-flexible cancellation policy. However, you can add other policies for check-ins and cancellations. While you're at it, you'll also add information about a basic service.

The Partner Supply API works with an "overlay" system. In short, this means that, to add a field to an existing property, you must send the new field and all the fields you sent earlier.

Repeat your previous request, but make these changes:

  1. Add the attribute HotelDescriptiveContent[@HotelCode] and set its value to the property ID from the last response.
  2. Change the value of [@HotelDescriptiveContentNotifType] from New to Overlay.
  3. Inside HotelInfo, add a Services object specifying that the property offers non-smoking rooms (Hotel Amenity Code 198).
  4. At the same level as HotelInfo, add a Policies object.
  5. Inside the Policies object, add a cancellation policy which dictates that guests must pay the full amount if they cancel less than 42 days in advance ( Cancellation Policy Code 12).

Here's an excerpt that shows only the changed elements:

<!-- Skipping unchanged lines. -->
    HotelName="The Best Hotel"
<!-- Skipping more unchanged lines. -->
         <Service Code="198" />
<!-- Skipping yet more unchanged lines. -->
        <PolicyInfo CheckInTime="15:00-20:00" CheckOutTime="12:00" />
          <CancelPenalty PolicyCode="12" />
          <GuaranteePayment PolicyCode="12" />
<!-- End of excerpt. -->

A successful response will merely say Success, like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS.xsd" TimeStamp="2018-02-07T13:20:47+00:00" Target="Test" Version="3.000">
    <Success />
<!-- RUID: [UmFuZG9tSV...] -->
To learn more

To learn more about the last call, see OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotif.

Step 2 – Retrieve property details →