Last updated

Managing contact details

Use the contacts-api endpoint to create, update, retrieve and delete contact details.

This topic covers how to:

Creating contact details


You can create multiple contacts with different contact types but with the same contact details.

What are contact profile types?

Creating contact information with certain contact profile types is crucial to bringing a property to the open and bookable status.

You can create a contact based on the following contact profile types:

  • General: Primary point of contact for the property.
  • Invoices: Contact for accounts payable.
  • Reservations: Contact for reservations.
  • Availability: Contact for questions about availability.
  • Site_content: Contact for photos, descriptions and other website content.
  • Parity: Contact for pricing and rate topics.
  • Requests: Contact for special requests.
  • Central_reservations: Contact for central reservations. Applies to properties that manage reservations centrally.

Physical location is no longer a contact profile type. You can add physical location details using the property-api.

API validations

This section contains any validations that the API enforces when processing a create contacts request. Make sure your request meets these validations.

  • You can create at a maximum one contact details per property for the General contact type.
  • You can have multiple contacts for other contact profile types.
  • The invoice contact is the person who can be contacted to discuss invoices. This is not a mandatory contact type. It is located in the Property Settings API where you must specify the address for invoices.
  • You can update the contact details for the General contact type. Because this endpoint uses overlay, when updating other contact type details, make sure to also send the General contact details. Failing to send this in the update request will return an error.
  • Creating a contact of type invoices is optional. However, to make a property open and bookable, you must add address details for invoice contact using the Property settings (POST /property-settings) endpoint.
  • You cannot send the same contact details with identical contact types in a single request. However, you can send the same contact details with different contact types. In this case, the API creates one contact for all contact types.
  • The phone number is validated based on the formatting rules of the specified country code.

Header parameter

The following table describes the elements you can add in the header:

Content-Type: application/jsonSpecifies the expected content type.stringrequired
Accept-VersionSpecify the version number to get the API functionality specific to that version.stringoptionalCurrently supports the value: 1.0

Path parameter

The following table describes the elements you can add in the path:

{propertyID} valueSpecify the unique ID of the property where you want to create contact details.integerrequired

Request body parameters

The following table describes the elements you can add in the request body:

Notes Root parameter in HDCN
> contactsContains contact information.objectrequiredYou must create one contact details for the General contact type. Note that you can create at a maximum only one contact detail per property for the General contact type.>>> ContactInfos
>> contact_profile_typeContains the contact type.objectrequired->>> ContactInfos > ContactInfo.ContactProfileType
typeSpecifies the type of contact.enumerated stringrequiredFor a list of approved contact types, see ContactProfileType.
> addressContains the address details of the contact including country, city and postal code details.objectoptional for all contact typesYou can set only one address per contact type.>>> ContactInfos
city_nameSpecies the name of the city, town, or village.stringrequired if address is specified->>> ContactInfos
state_prov_codeContains the State/province details.stringoptionalThe value specified in this field is not returned in the GET call.>>> ContactInfos
country_codeSpecies the two-letter country code.enumerated stringrequired if address is specifiedFor more information on how to retrieve the country code details, see xml/countries endpoint.>>> ContactInfos
postal_codeSpecifies the postal/zip code.stringrequired if address is specifiedMake sure the postal code is relevant to the country specified in the country_code.>>> ContactInfos
address_lineSpecies the full street name and number.stringrequired if address is specifiedShould not contain abbreviations (such as "Rd." for "Road") and should not exceed 255 characters.>>> ContactInfos
language_codeSpecies the Language code for the address details.enumerated stringrequired if address is specifiedFor a list of supported language codes, see Language Code table.>>> ContactInfos
> contact_personContains the contact person's name, gender, spoken language and job title.stringrequired-New field.
language_codeSpecies the contact's spoken language(s).enumerated stringrequiredFor a list of supported language codes, see Language Code table.>>> ContactInfos
genderSpecifies the contact's gender.enumerated stringoptionalAccepts: Male, Female. Default: null. To set as empty, omit the entire attribute (instead of specifying "").>>> ContactInfos
name Specifies the contact person's full name.stringrequired->>> ContactInfos
job_titleSpecifies the contact person's job title code.enumerated stringoptionalFor a list of supported job titles and their code, see Job Title Code. By default, it is set to Unknown.>>> ContactInfos
> phonesContains the phone number information.objectrequired->>> ContactInfos
phone_numberSpecifies the international phone number.stringrequiredFollows the format: \+[0-9]+
The phone number is also validated based on the formatting rules of the specified country code.
>>> ContactInfos
phone_tech_typeSpecifies the type of phone line/device.enumerated stringrequiredFor a list of supported values, see PTT.
PhoneTechType 3 can have at most 3 entries.
PhoneTechType 1 and 5 can have at most 1 entry.
Extension can only be provided for PhoneTechType 1.
>>> ContactInfos
extensionThe extension number that must be dialled in addition to the phone_number.stringoptionalOnly accepted when phone_tech_type="1".>>> ContactInfos
> emailContains the email address details.stringrequiredMake sure to specify a valid email address.>>> ContactInfos

Contact Profile Types

The contacts-api accepts the following values for the contact profile type. Each value corresponds to a similarly named heading on the Contacts page in our extranet.

A property must have all the required contact profiles before you can open it.

generalPrimary point of contact for the property.Required
reservationsContact for reservations.Optional
invoicesContact for accounts payable.Optional
availabilityContact for questions about availability.Optional
site_contentContact for photos, descriptions, and other website content.Optional
parityContact for pricing and rate matters.Optional
requestsContact for special requests.Optional
central_reservationsContact for central reservations. Applies to properties that manage reservations from another location.Optional

Request body

The following is a request body example:

  "contacts": [
      "contact_profiles": [
          "type": "invoices"
      "address": {
        "city_name": "Amsterdam",
        "country_code": "NL",
        "postal_code": "1011 DL",
        "address_line": "New Straat 123",
        "language_code": "en-gb"
      "contact_person": {
        "gender": "female",
        "name": "Waddington Bloem",
        "job_title": "Administration Employee",
        "language_code": "en-gb"
      "phones": [
          "phone_number": "+31002666661",
          "phone_tech_type": "1",
          "extension": "1"
      "email": ""
      "contact_profiles": [
          "type": "general"
      "address": {
        "city_name": "Amsterdam",
        "country_code": "NL",
        "postal_code": "1011 DL",
        "address_line": "New Straat 456",
        "language_code": "en-gb"
      "contact_person": {
        "gender": "male",
        "name": "Bensen Clay",
        "job_title": "Administration Employee",
        "language_code": "en-gb"
      "phones": [
          "phone_number": "+31002666661",
          "phone_tech_type": "1",
          "extension": "1"
      "email": ""

Response body

The following is a response body example:

  "warnings": [],
  "meta": {
    "ruid": "5rw83de5-54tt-45ad-a75c-af451309f764"

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

warningsContains any warnings in the response.object-
metaContains metadata information about the response.object-
> ruidSpecifies the unique request ID.stringYou can share this ID with customer support when you run into an issue. This can help in understanding what went wrong.

Overwriting contact details


Use the PUT contacts-api endpoint along with the property ID as a path parameter to:

  • overwrite existing contact details.
  • delete contact details by omitting them in the request.

Note that all existing contact details are lost and only the details sent in this request are added as new.

Retaining existing contact details

To retain any existing contact details that do not need an update, make sure to add them to the request.

API validations

This section contains any validations that the API enforces when processing an overwrite to contact details. Make sure your request meets these validations.

  • You can create at a maximum one contact details per property for the General contact type.
  • You can have multiple contacts for other contact profile types.
  • The invoice contact is the person who can be contacted to discuss invoices. This is not a mandatory contact type. It is located in the Property Settings API where you must specify the address for invoices.
  • You can update the contact details for the General contact type. Because this endpoint uses overlay, when updating other contact type details, make sure to also send the General contact details. Failing to send this in the update request will return an error.
  • Creating a contact of type invoices is optional. However, to make a property open and bookable, you must add address details for invoice contact using the Property settings (POST /property-api/properties/{{property_id}}/settings) endpoint.
  • You cannot send the same contact details with identical contact types in a single request. However, you can send the same contact details with different contact types. In this case, the API creates one contact for all contact types.
  • The phone number is validated based on the formatting rules of the specified country code.

Header parameter

The following table describes the elements you can add in the header:

Accept-VersionSpecify the version number to get the API functionality specific to that version.stringoptionalCurrently supports the value: 1.0

Path parameter

The following table describes the elements you can add in the path:

{propertyID} valueSpecify the unique ID of the property whose contact details you want to update.integerrequired

Request body parameters

The following table describes the elements you can add in the request body:

NotesName in HDCN
> contactsContains contact information.objectrequiredYou must create one contact details for the General contact type. Note that you can create at a maximum only one contact detail per property for the General contact type.>>> ContactInfos
>> contact_profile_typeContains the contact type.objectrequired->>> ContactInfos > ContactInfo.ContactProfileType
typeSpecifies the type of contact.enumerated stringrequiredFor a list of approved contact types, see ContactProfileType.
> addressContains the address details of the contact including country, city and postal code details.objectoptional for all contact typesYou can set only one address per contact type.>>> ContactInfos
city_nameSpecies the name of the city, town, or village.stringrequired if address is specified->>> ContactInfos
state_prov_codeContains the State/province details.stringoptionalThe value specified in this field is not returned in the GET call.>>> ContactInfos
country_codeSpecies the two-letter country code.enumerated stringrequired if address is specifiedFor more information on how to retrieve the country code details, see xml/countries endpoint.>>> ContactInfos
postal_codeSpecifies the postal/zip code.stringrequired if address is specifiedMake sure the postal code is relevant to the country specified in the country_code.>>> ContactInfos
address_lineSpecies the full street name and number.stringrequired if address is specifiedShould not contain abbreviations (such as "Rd." for "Road") and should not exceed 255 characters.>>> ContactInfos
language_codeSpecies the Language code for the address details.enumerated stringrequired if address is specifiedFor a list of supported language codes, see Language Code table.>>> ContactInfos
> contact_personContains the contact person's name, gender, spoken language and job title.stringrequired-New field.
language_codeSpecies the contact's spoken language(s).enumerated stringrequiredFor a list of supported language codes, see Language Code table.>>> ContactInfos
genderSpecifies the contact's gender.enumerated stringoptionalAccepts: Male, Female. Default: null. To set as empty, omit the entire attribute (instead of specifying "").>>> ContactInfos
name Specifies the contact person's full name.stringrequired->>> ContactInfos
job_titleSpecifies the contact person's job title code.enumerated stringoptionalFor a list of supported job titles and their code, see Job Title Code. By default, it is set to Unknown.>>> ContactInfos
> phonesContains the phone number information.objectrequired->>> ContactInfos
phone_numberSpecifies the international phone number.stringrequiredFollows the format: \+[0-9]+
The phone number is also validated based on the formatting rules of the specified country code.
>>> ContactInfos
phone_tech_typeSpecifies the type of phone line/device.enumerated stringrequiredFor a list of supported values, see PTT.
PhoneTechType 3 can have at most 3 entries.
PhoneTechType 1 and 5 can have at most 1 entry.
Extension can only be provided for PhoneTechType 1.
>>> ContactInfos
extensionThe extension number that must be dialled in addition to the phone_number.stringoptionalOnly accepted when phone_tech_type="1".>>> ContactInfos
> emailContains the email address details.stringrequiredMake sure to specify a valid email address.>>> ContactInfos

Request body

The following is a request body example:

  "contacts": [
      "contact_profiles": [
          "type": "invoices"
      "address": {
        "city_name": "Amsterdam",
        "country_code": "NL",
        "postal_code": "1011 DL",
        "address_line": "New Straat 123",
        "language_code": "en-gb"
      "contact_person": {
        "gender": "female",
        "name": "Lucy Gilean",
        "job_title": "Administration Employee",
        "language_code": "en-gb"
      "phones": [
          "phone_number": "+31002666661",
          "phone_tech_type": "1",
          "extension": "1"
      "email": ""
      "contact_profiles": [
          "type": "general"
      "address": {
        "city_name": "Amsterdam",
        "country_code": "NL",
        "postal_code": "1011 DL",
        "address_line": "New Straat 456",
        "language_code": "en-gb"
      "contact_person": {
        "gender": "male",
        "name": "Kevin Mcmartin",
        "job_title": "General Manager",
        "language_code": "en-gb"
      "phones": [
          "phone_number": "+31002666661",
          "phone_tech_type": "1",
          "extension": "1"
      "email": ""

Response body

The following is a response body example:

  "warnings": [],
  "meta": {
    "ruid": "5rw83de5-54tt-45ad-a75c-af451309f764"

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

warningsContains any warnings in the response.object-
metaContains metadata information about the response.object-
> ruidSpecifies the unique request ID.stringYou can share this ID with customer support when you run into an issue. This can help in understanding what went wrong.

Retrieving contact details


Use the GET contacts-api endpoint along with the property ID to retrieve the contact details created for the property.

Header parameter

The following table describes the elements you can add in the header:

Accept-VersionSpecify the version number to get the API functionality specific to that version.stringoptionalCurrently supports the value: 1.0

Path parameter

The following table describes the elements you can add in the path:

{propertyID} valueSpecify the unique ID of the property to retrieve the contact details.integerrequired

Response body

The following is a response body example:

  "data": {
    "contacts": [
        "contact_profiles": [
            "type": "reservations"
        "contact_id": 396227214,
        "address": {
          "city_name": "Amsterdam",
          "country_code": "NL",
          "postal_code": "1011 DL",
          "address_line": "New Straat 123",
          "language_code": "en-gb"
        "contact_person": {
          "gender": "male",
          "name": "Bensen Jill",
          "job_title": "Administration Employee",
          "language_code": "en-gb"
        "phones": [
            "phone_number": "+31000666661",
            "phone_tech_type": 1,
            "extension": "1"
        "email": ""
        "contact_profiles": [
            "type": "invoices"
        "contact_id": 395775571,
        "address": {
          "city_name": "Amsterdam",
          "country_code": "NL",
          "postal_code": "1011 DL",
          "address_line": "New Straat 123",
          "language_code": "en-gb"
        "contact_person": {
          "gender": "female",
          "name": "Lucy Gilean",
          "job_title": "Administration Employee",
          "language_code": "en-gb"
        "phones": [
            "phone_number": "+31002666661",
            "phone_tech_type": 1,
            "extension": "1"
        "email": ""
        "contact_profiles": [
            "type": "general"
        "contact_id": 395775570,
        "address": {
          "city_name": "Amsterdam",
          "country_code": "NL",
          "postal_code": "1011 DL",
          "address_line": "New Straat 123",
          "language_code": "en-gb"
        "contact_person": {
          "gender": "male",
          "name": "Kevin Mcmartin",
          "job_title": "General Manager",
          "language_code": "en-gb"
        "phones": [
            "phone_number": "+31002666661",
            "phone_tech_type": 1,
            "extension": "1"
        "email": ""
        "contact_profiles": [
            "type": "parity"
        "contact_id": 396227126,
        "address": {
          "city_name": "Amsterdam",
          "country_code": "NL",
          "postal_code": "1011 DL",
          "address_line": "New Straat 123",
          "language_code": "en-gb"
        "contact_person": {
          "gender": "female",
          "name": "Waddington Hommes",
          "job_title": "Administration Employee",
          "language_code": "en-gb"
        "phones": [
            "phone_number": "+31000666661",
            "phone_tech_type": 1,
            "extension": "1"
        "email": ""
  "meta": {
    "ruid": "149r05d7-e256-3689-a0f5-rt3416851256"

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

dataRoot elementobject
> contactsContains contact information.object-
>> contact_profile_typeContains the contact type.enumerated string-
typeSpecifies the type of contact.enumerated string
> contact_idContains a unique identifier for the contactintegerNew field.
> addressContains the address details of the contact including country, city and postal code details.object-
city_nameSpecifies the name of the city, town, or village.string-
state_prov_codeContains the State/province details.string-
country_codeSpecifies the two-letter country code.enumerated string-
postal_codeSpecifies the postal/zip code.string-
address_lineSpecifies the full street name and number.string-
language_codeSpecifies the Language code for the address details.enumerated string-
> contact_personContains the contact person's name, gender, spoken language and job title.string-
language_codeSpecifies the contact's spoken language(s).enumerated string-
genderSpecifies the contact's gender.enumerated string-
name Specifies the contact person's full name.string-
job_title Specifies the contact person's job title code.enumerated string-
> phoneContains the phone number information.object-
phone_numberSpecifies the international phone number.string-
phone_tech_typeSpecifies the type of phone line/device.enumerated string-
extensionThe extension number that must be dialled in addition to the phone_number.string-
> emailContains the email address details.string-
metaContains metadata information about the response.object-
> ruidSpecifies the unique request ID.stringYou can share this ID with customer support when you run into an issue. This can help in understanding what went wrong.

Quick Actions

→ To learn more about the Contacts API use cases, see Contacts API implementation use cases.
→ To troubleshoot Contacts API errors, see Troubleshooting Contacts API error responses.
→ To create and manage a property, see the Property Details API.