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Troubleshooting Connections API

This topic lists all the possible errors you might encounter while using the Connections API.

Working with errors

This section captures a list of common HTTP errors you might encounter and possible solutions to fix them.

HTTP Error CodeOTA Error codeMessageError Description ExamplesReason and Possible Fix
HTTP 400 Bad Request320Invalid valueSome of the possible error messages:
- Sorting field 'created_at' not supported here
- Sorting fields in orderBy must not repeat
- Invalid end time format
- Invalid page size requested
- Remarks exceed maximum length
- Invalid or malformed cursor
When the endpoint returns an error response, it also returns the details.fields, where applicable.
Use this and the message to determine which parameter is incorrect how to resolve the error.
For error response examples, see the Invalid value error responses.
HTTP 500 Internal Server Error448System errorInternal server errorPossible reason may be that systems are experiencing a temporary outage.
Try calling the endpoint after some time. If the issue persists, contact the Connectivity Support team.
HTTP 400 Bad Request450Unable to processBad requestMake sure to use the correct endpoint URL/HTTP method or check if the request has a valid JSON body.
HTTP 403 Forbidden497Authorization errorProvider not certified for the selected pricing modelYou tried to approve a connection request with a pricing model that needs certification.
You must be certified to use any of the non-Standard pricing models. For more information, see Pricing models.
HTTP 403 Forbidden635Data not foundConnection request not foundYou tried to accept/reject a connection request for the specified property ID, but we could not find it.
Specify the correct property ID to accept/reject a pending connection request, if any.
HTTP 400 Bad Request1900Not applicable to resourceConnection request not found - active connection existsYou can only accept/reject a pending connection request and not an existing connection.
Either specify a pending request to accept/reject or deactivate an existing connection.
HTTP 400 Bad Request1900Not applicable to resourceConnection request is still pendingYou can only disconnect an active connection.
Either specify a property ID with active connection or reject a pending connection request, if any.
HTTP 400 Bad Request1901Invalid value for resourceConnection types in payload do not match the pending connections typesThis field is optional. But when provided, the list must exactly match the connection types requested by the property.
Either specify all connection types requested by the property or do not specify the connection_types parameter.

Invalid value error responses

This section contains few examples of the invalid value error response. For the supported order by field, see the respective endpoint documentation.

Invalid sorting field error response

  "errors": [
      "description": "Sorting field 'created_at' not supported here",
      "message": "Invalid value",
      "code": 320,
      "details": {
        "fields": [
          "query param order_by"
  "warnings": [],
  "meta": {
    "ruid": "abc464e7-1b41-3502-b665-b2aeba62kl0p"

Invalid page size error response

Specify a page size from 1 - 100.

  "errors": [
      "description": "Invalid page size requested",
      "message": "Invalid value",
      "code": 320,
      "details": {
        "fields": [
          "query param page_size"
  "warnings": [],
  "meta": {
    "ruid": "abc464e7-1b41-1294-b665-b2aeba62re2g"