Last updated

Managing conversations

A conversation is a collection of messages between two participants: Guest and property. Each new reservation triggers the creation of an empty conversation. The /conversations endpoints enable you to do the following:

Only links approved in the messaging security link setting are returned in API response

Our messaging security link setting in the Extranet enables properties to specify which links can be shared with their guests in messages. We show the approved links and remove unapproved links in the messages to guests and the API responses. For more information about the Extranet setting, see About the messaging security link setting.

Posting a message to a conversation


The POST /properties/{property_id}/conversations/{conversation_id} request enables you to post a message with or without attachment to a specific conversation. You cannot send an attachment without message content.

→ To post an attachment, you must first have uploaded that attachment. To upload attachments, see uploading attachments.

Use cases

You can encounter the following two scenarios:

  • Guest starts conversation.
  • Property starts conversation.

→ To learn more about the two use cases, and how they differ depending on whether you decide to store messages or not, see use cases and best practices.

Guests without account receive an email

If a guest does not have an account and the property starts a conversation, the system sends an email to which the guest can reply.

Path parameters

The following table describes what elements you must add as query parameters:

property_idSpecifies the ID of the property.stringrequired
conversation_idSpecifies the ID of the conversation you want to post a message to.stringrequired

Body request parameters

The following table describes what elements you must add in the request body:

messageContains the information related to the message that you want to post to the conversation.objectrequired
: contentSpecifies the content of the message.stringrequired
: attachment_idsSpecifies the ids of the attachment.arrayoptionalYou must use the attachment_id that you retrieved when uploading an attachment.

Request body example

The following is a request body example:

  "message": {
      "content": "Hola,Toni! Como estas huey?",
      "attachment_ids": ["795e5w90-0419-11eb-a306-e506dfed6417", "5ertwf11e445t06ewfe3fgh50094"]

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

  "errors": [],
  "warnings": [],
  "meta": {
      "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YYuVGLmv13PU2CPBInBo6tmR2olhYRQJnBxQ28c+302tG2NR8bgV4z78HUvSFMcHY/AsImiUYbjP"
  "data": {
      "guest_has_account": true,
      "message_id": "a547bac0-e156-11ea-9735-f5b2c8769b48",
      "ok": "true"

Response body parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

dataContains the response data.object
: okIndicates whether the request was successfull.boolean
: message_idSpecifies the ID of the sent message.string
: guest_has_accountIndicates whether the gues has a account.stringIf the value is false, then an email is sent to the guest.

Retrieving all conversations per property


The GET /properties/{property_id}/conversations request enables you to retrieve all conversations per property (with the most recent or latest message per conversation, and therefore not all of them).

New activity could change order

The conversations are returned in a descending order (most recent first). If a participant adds a new message to a conversation, this might change the order of the conversations you retrieve.

Path parameters

The following table describes what elements you must add in the request path:

property_idSpecifies the ID of the property you want to retrieve conversations for.stringoptional

Query parameters

The following table describes what elements you can add as query parameters:

page_idSpecifies the ID of the page you want to retrieve.stringoptionalEach page returns a maximum of 50 conversations.

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

    "data": {
        "ok": "true",
        "conversations": [
                "participants": [
                        "metadata": {
                            "type": "guest"
                        "participant_id": "5fe782b1-6545-55b7-8b75-588945b5f960"
                        "participant_id": "9f6be5fd-b3a8-5691-9cf9-9ab6c6217327",
                        "metadata": {
                            "type": "property",
                            "id": 6378711
                "conversation_reference": "3454799008",
                "messages": [
                        "message_id": "fc7db690-3ba2-11eb-a68b-c77d6a75020f",
                        "timestamp": "2020-12-11T11:21:17.177Z",
                        "sender_id": "9f6be5fd-b3a8-5691-9cf9-9ab6c6217327",
                        "content": "hello there 2"
                "access": "read_write",
                "conversation_id": "a7dd5868-670c-597f-a5b8-8f6d917614bf",
                "conversation_type": "reservation"
                "participants": [
                        "metadata": {
                            "type": "guest"
                        "participant_id": "5fe782b1-6545-55b7-8b75-588945b5f960"
                        "metadata": {
                            "type": "property",
                            "id": 6378711
                        "participant_id": "9f6be5fd-b3a8-5691-9cf9-9ab6c6217327"
                "access": "read_write",
                "messages": [
                        "sender_id": "9f6be5fd-b3a8-5691-9cf9-9ab6c6217327",
                        "content": "Property message without attachment2020-12-10T10:15:04.960Z : f8fc39c9-3ab5-423f-865e-67fb45ce9893",
                        "timestamp": "2020-12-10T10:15:05.275Z",
                        "message_id": "92a3d0b0-3ad0-11eb-9e18-f9d108fb0e90"
                "conversation_id": "2411ff94-d40b-5ccf-bd08-aa7ddb6a80c8",
                "conversation_reference": "3836522009",
                "conversation_type": "reservation"
        "next_page_id": "0bec3400-ec41-11ea-8080-808080808080"
    "errors": [],
    "meta": {
        "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YaHxRoj3d1s8ziyA7veDF0xKZcTLf9qryJ+iKAPc3DbYr0iQlTOb6ql3F5iP2/ie6QejvtMLyFHB"
    "warnings": []

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

dataContains the response data.object
: okIndicates whether the request was successfull.string
: conversationsContains the conversation elements.array
:: accessSpecifies the access level for the conversation.stringPossible values: read_only or read_write.
:: conversation_idSpecifies the unique ID of a conversation.string
:: conversation_referenceSpecifies the unique ID of the conversation type this conversation is referring to.integerFor now the references are all reservation ids.
:: conversation_typeSpecifies the type of the conversation.stringFor now the only possible value is reservation.
:: participantsContains the information on the conversation participants.array
::: participant_idSpecifies the participant ID of a participant.string
::: metadataContains information of a participant.object
:::: typeSpecifies the type of the participant.string
:::: idSpecifies the property ID if the participant is a property.string
:: messagesContains the message elements.array
::: message_idSpecifies the unique ID of a message.string
::: contentSpecifies the content of the message.string
::: timestampSpecifies the time when the message was sent.stringFollows the ISO 8601 standard in local time: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mmm.
::: sender_idSpecifies the ID of the participant that sent the message.string
:: tagsContains the tag elements on the conversation level.object
::: no_reply_neededContains the information related to the no_reply_needed tag.object
:::: setSpecifies whether the no_reply_needed tag is set.boolean

Retrieving a specific conversation

You can retrieve a specific conversation with all its messages in the following two ways:

New activity might cause loss of messages

If a new message was added to the conversation when you call the second page, you might miss out on that message.

Retrieving a specific conversation by conversation id


The GET /properties/{property_id}/conversations/{conversation_id} request enables you to retrieve a specific conversation with all its messages by conversation id. The messages you retrieve are in descending order (most recent first).

Path parameters

The following table describes what elements you must add in the request path:

property_idSpecifies the ID of the property you want to retrieve the conversation for.stringrequired
conversation_idSpecifies the ID of the conversation you want to retrieve.stringrequired

Query parameters

The following table describes what elements you can add as query parameters:

page_idSpecifies the ID of the page you want to retrieve.stringoptionalEach page returns a maximum of 50 messages. You must use next_page_id from response here to retrieve the next page of messages.

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

    "meta": {
        "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YQzdwh+280lx897rDZF1JIZYdbF3XzxqMYPN87IIbYDpF4gg5ppLWSo9FTHqy5069iHVvB2blrvu"
    "errors": [],
    "warnings": [],
    "data": {
        "conversation": {
            "participants": [
                    "metadata": {
                        "type": "guest"
                    "participant_id": "5fe782b1-6545-55b7-8b75-588945b5f960"
                    "participant_id": "9f6be5fd-b3a8-5691-9cf9-9ab6c6217327",
                    "metadata": {
                        "id": 6378711,
                        "type": "property"
            "messages": [
                    "message_id": "17b0e930-490b-11eb-aa2f-77d68f9d163f",
                    "attachment_ids": [
                    "sender_id": "9f6be5fd-b3a8-5691-9cf9-9ab6c6217327",
                    "content": "Hello world.",
                    "timestamp": "2020-12-28T12:49:15.587Z"
                    "tags": {
                        "read": {
                            "set": true,
                            "participants": [
            "conversation_reference": "2232015613",
            "tags": {
                "no_reply_needed": {
                    "set": true
            "conversation_type": "reservation",
            "access": "read_write",
            "conversation_id": "267eef2d-43fe-5b94-afef-63de2ee4d6f8"
        "next_page_id": "74fdb6d0-4083-11eb-ac3f-89046bdff5d4",
        "ok": "true"

Response body parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

dataContains the response data.object
: okIndicates whether the request was successfull.string
: next_page_idSpecifies the ID of the next page with messages.string
: conversationContains the conversation elements.object
:: participantsContains the information on the conversation participants.array
::: participant_idSpecifies the participant ID of a participant.string
::: metadataContains information of a participant.object
:::: typeSpecifies the type of the participant.string
:::: idSpecifies the property ID if the participant is a property.string
:: messagesContains the message elements.array
::: message_idSpecifies the unique ID of a message.string
::: contentSpecifies the content of the message.string
::: timestampSpecifies the time when the message was sent.stringFollows the ISO 8601 standard in local time: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mmm.
::: sender_idSpecifies the ID of the participant that sent the message.string
::: tagsContains the tag elements on the conversation level.object
:::: readContains the information related to the read tag.object
::::: setSpecifies whether the read tag is set.boolean
::::: participantsContains the participants ids for whom the tag is set.boolean
:: conversation_idSpecifies the unique ID of a conversation.string
:: conversation_referenceSpecifies the unique ID of the conversation type this conversation is referring to.integerFor now the references are all reservation ids.
:: conversation_typeSpecifies the type of the conversation.stringFor now the only possible value is reservation.

Retrieving a specific conversation by conversation type


The GET /properties/{property_id}/conversations/type/{conversation_type} request enables you to retrieve a specific conversation with all its messages by reservation id. The messages you retrieve are in descending order (most recent first).

Path parameters

The following table describes what elements you must add in the request path:

property_idSpecifies the ID of the property you want to retrieve the conversation for.stringrequired
conversation_typeSpecifies the type of the conversation you want to retrieve.stringrequiredFor now the only possible value is reservation.

Query parameters

The following table describes what elements you must add in the request path:

conversation_referenceSpecifies the unique ID of the conversation type this conversation is referring to.integerrequiredFor now the references are all reservation ids.
page_idSpecifies the ID of the page you want to retrieve.stringoptionalEach page returns 50 messages. You must use next_page_id from response here to retrieve the next page of messages.

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

    "meta": {
        "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YbEJoqqZlpoSNapQcFDDn7IQIiP8Fy+AQqRBdOOw1EqmKh5XgGol7nz1QsVflaMXCqoeOJxb/A6l"
    "data": {
        "conversation": {
            "conversation_type": "reservation",
            "access": "read_write",
            "conversation_id": "e62d0589-ce61-5a36-9649-36b5fed9491d",
            "participants": [
                    "metadata": {
                        "type": "guest"
                    "participant_id": "7da17c1b-52e9-5158-be5d-99cf789ed130"
                    "metadata": {
                        "type": "property",
                        "id": 6378711
                    "participant_id": "9f6be5fd-b3a8-5691-9cf9-9ab6c6217327"
            "messages": [
                    "message_id": "6469d370-45bb-11eb-8ecb-fb998203e06b",
                    "attachment_ids": [
                    "timestamp": "2020-12-24T07:41:11.079Z",
                    "sender_id": "9f6be5fd-b3a8-5691-9cf9-9ab6c6217327",
                    "content": "Test message without attachment and with reply 2020-12-24 08:41:04.23864"
                    "tags": {
                        "read": {
                            "set": true,
                            "participants": [
            "conversation_reference": "3257971028"
        "ok": "true"
    "warnings": [],
    "errors": []

Response body parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

dataContains the response data.object
: okIndicates whether the request was successfull.string
: next_page_idSpecifies the ID of the next page with messages.string
: conversationContains the conversation elements.object
:: participantsContains the information on the conversation participants.array
::: participant_idSpecifies the participant ID of a participant.string
::: metadataContains information of a participant.object
:::: typeSpecifies the type of the participant.string
:::: idSpecifies the property ID if the participant is a property.string
:: messagesContains the message elements.array
::: message_idSpecifies the unique ID of a message.string
::: contentSpecifies the content of the message.string
::: timestampSpecifies the time when the message was sent.stringFollows the ISO 8601 standard in local time: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mmm.
::: sender_idSpecifies the ID of the participant that sent the message.string
::: tagsContains the tag elements on the conversation level.object
:::: readContains the information related to the read tag.object
::::: setSpecifies whether the read tag is set.boolean
::::: participantsContains the participants ids for whom the tag is set.boolean
:: conversation_idSpecifies the unique ID of a conversation.string
:: conversation_referenceSpecifies the unique ID of the conversation type this conversation is referring to.integerFor now the references are all reservation ids.
:: conversation_typeSpecifies the type of the conversation.stringFor now the only possible value is reservation.