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Uploading and downloading attachments

Attachments can only be image types. You can do the following with attachments:

Uploading an attachment to a conversation


The POST properties/{property_id}/conversations/{conversation_id}/attachments request enables you to upload an attachment (image type), which is less than or equal to 1MB, to a specific conversation.

After successfully uploading an attachment, you still have to post a message to the specified conversation to send it. See posting a message to a conversation.

Path parameters

The following table describes what elements you must add in the path request:

conversation_idSpecifies the ID of the conversation you want to upload the attachment to.stringrequired
property_idSpecifies the ID of the property.integerrequired

Request body parameters

The following table describes what elements you must add in the request body:

attachmentContains the attachment information.objectrequiredAttachments can only be image types.
: file_nameSpecifies the name of the attachment.stringrequired
: file_contentSpecifies the content of the attachment.stringrequiredYou must encode the file in base64.
: file_typeSpecifies the type of the attachment.stringrequiredHas to be a valid MIME type. Permitted values are image/jpeg and image/png.
: file_sizeSpecifies the size of the attachment in bytes.integerrequiredThe base64 decoded content must be less than or equal to 1MB.

Request body example

The following is a request body example:

  "attachment": {
      "file_name": "food.jpeg",
      "file_content": "bmd8dM1Zs2I2H2qvIMTHHvWMFIY9Z...HG09cKPxP+lSyAFsHoMAfgtap+W0cfgOP61gH/2Q==",
      "file_type": "image/jpeg",
      "file_size": 30220

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

  "errors": [],
  "warnings": [],
  "data": {
      "ok": "true",
      "attachment_id": "795e5w90-0419-11eb-a306-e506dfed6417"
  "meta": {
      "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YeZtlXlfGFyaSXUVOZBxzuFBEyAuoUTymmZBQBL8HJp1Sg4KYsL4sCa9K1nyyjq2Wm4Mm5oc6GVh"

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

dataContains the response data.object
: okIndicates whether the request was successfull.boolean
: attachment_idSpecifies the ID of the attachment.string

Uploading a large attachment to a conversation


The POST /properties/{property_id}/conversations/{conversation_id}/attachment_chunks request enables you to upload an attachment (image type), which is more than 1MB and less than or equal to 10MB, to a specific conversation. You must break apart the attachment file you want to upload into chunks less than 1MB.

After successfully uploading an attachment, you still have to post a message to the specified conversation to send it. See posting a message to a conversation.

Ideal workflow for uploading in chunks

To make best use of this endpoint, follow these steps:

  1. Break the attachment into chunks less than or equal to 1MB.
  2. Upload the first attachment chunk with the action parameter set to start (and specifiy the name, size, and type of attachment).
    The response returns an upload ID that you must use to upload the remaining attachment chunks.
  3. Upload the remaining attachment chunks, except for the last one, with the action parameter set to resume.
  4. Upload the last attachment chunk with the action parameter set to finish.
Start again when an error occurs

If you run into an error when uploading chunks, you should start over again with action set to start (chunk number 0).

Path parameters

The following table describes what elements you must add in the request body:

conversation_idSpecifies the ID of the conversation you want to upload the attachment to.stringrequired
property_idSpecifies the ID of the property.integerrequired

Request body parameters

The following table describes what elements you must add in the request body:

attachmentContains the attachment information.objectrequiredAttachments can only be image types.
: actionSpecifies what the phase of the upload process is.stringrequiredYou must use start for the first attachment chunk, then use resume until the last chunk for which you must use finish.
: upload_idSpecifies the ID of the upload that you retrieve after uploading the first chunk with start.objectrequired** This element is only required with action set to resume and finish.
: file_nameSpecifies the name of the attachment.stringrequired
: file_typeSpecifies the type of the attachment.stringrequiredHas to be a valid MIME type. Permitted values are image/jpeg and image/png.
: file_sizeSpecifies the total size of the attachment in bytes.integerrequiredMust be more than 1 MB and less than or equal to 10MB.
: chunkContains the attachment chunk content.objectrequired
:: chunk_contentSpecifies the content of the attachment chunk.stringrequiredYou must encode the file in base64.
:: chunk_numberSpecifies the number of the attachment chunk.stringrequiredThe attachment's chunk number starts at 0.
:: chunk_sizeSpecifies the size of the attachment chunk in bytes.stringrequiredThe chunk must be less than or equal to 1MB.

Request body example

The following are request body examples for each stage in the uploading attachment chunks process:


  "attachment": {
    "action": "start",
    "chunk": {
      "chunk_number": 0,
      "chunk_content": "6jc4ONP6nZ2ZIO+/Ltt3oKb6jsR/kvafzKP...9SB9R2I9/1L2n0/4lH+pBd2taxoYxoa1o/2Q==",
      "chunk_size": 887654
    "file_type": "image/png",
    "file_size": 2602519,
    "file_name": "test.png"


  "attachment": {
    "action": "resume",
    "upload_id": "70f676b0-0fc0-11eb-bd1d-af10278183bb",
    "chunk": {
      "chunk_number": 1,
      "chunk_content": "r34tr34jc4ONP6nZwdwfdv'+3oKb6jsR/kvafzKP...9SB9R2I9/1L2n0/4lH+pBd2taxoYxoa1o/dq=",
      "chunk_size": 879543
    "file_type": "image/png",
    "file_size": 2602519,
    "file_name": "test.png"


  "attachment": {
    "action": "finish",
    "upload_id": "70f676b0-0fc0-11eb-bd1d-af10278183bb",
    "chunk": {
      "chunk_number": 2,
      "chunk_content": "dswqd+/Ltt3oKb6jsR/kvafzKP...9SB9R2I9/1L2n0/4lH+pBd2twefewfQ==",
      "chunk_size": 835322
    "file_type": "image/png",
    "file_size": 2602519,
    "file_name": "test.png"

Response body example with start

The following is a successful response body example:

  "meta": {
      "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YQVPzSJM7C3Qb40xAeaz3rHCVM8SwJA2okmkRCaFHScL+e0ZCOlFpCeu2/PCn/z9Z4OciPg57g5d"
  "data": {
      "attachment_id": null,
      "upload_id": "ab88c360-0425-11eb-a250-9fc9f2abb407",
      "ok": "true"
  "warnings": [],
  "errors": []

Response body example with resume

The following is a successful response body example:

    "warnings": [],
    "meta": {
        "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YbmJopTsBnWOJd/bcc/NhX1asY9SXpUBN8XseXC7RbmbOlQZBLpVS8jsYY4ItxirrSDtTbeUDg2b"
    "errors": [],
    "data": {
        "ok": "true",
        "upload_id": null,
        "attachment_id": null

Response body example with finish

The following is a successful response body example:

  "meta": {
      "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YbmJopTsBnWOblzRm5qla6/doscqJol+h1DH2cL+0RcuM9wnUHudhoGNd6ISWjEep5nEcpCRzQYP"
  "errors": [],
  "warnings": [],
  "data": {
      "attachment_id": "8a9ee7f0-0fb1-11eb-aadc-81123ea571a8",
      "ok": "true",
      "upload_id": null

Response body parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

dataContains the response data.object
: okIndicates whether the request was successfull.boolean
: attachment_idSpecifies the ID of the attachment.stringThe attachment_id parameter only returns a value with action set to finish, so when the attachment has finished uploading.
: upload_idSpecifies the ID of the upload you need for uploading the chunks other than the first one.stringAfter you uploaded the first attachment chunk with start, you must use the upload_id to upload the remaining chunks. The upload_id parameter only has a value with action set to start.

Downloading an attachment


The GET /properties/{property_id}/conversations/{conversation_id}/attachments/{attachment_id} request enables you to download a previously uploaded attachment.

You can use the from and to query parameters if you want to download an attachment in chunks.

Use retrieve metadata for attachment information

To retrieve relevant attachment metadata, such as size and name, use the retrieving meta data of an uploaded attachment.

Path parameters

The following table describes what elements you must add in the request body:

conversation_idSpecifies the ID of the conversation you want to download the attachment from.stringrequired
property_idSpecifies the ID of the property.integerrequired
attachment_idSpecifies the ID of the attachment you want to download.stringrequired

Query parameters

The following table describes what elements you must add as query parameters:

fromSpecifies the starting point of what byte numbers you want to download.integeroptionalIf you want to download an attachment larger than 1MB, set the value of from to 0. Do not add to unless you want to download in chunks.
toSpecifies the ending point of what byte numbers you want to download.integeroptional

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

    "data": {
        "ok": "true",
        "file_content": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD/2wBDAAYEBQYFBAYGBQY..dfcw7-ll",
        "attachment_id": "8d6547c0-0428-11eb-a52f-03d56b16926b",
        "conversation_id": "7e706d21-7bf3-53cf-b2fb-5ef6466971e0"
    "meta": {
        "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YYvm4ShJdHC4K8EVWhg/6C+8QJoMS24Ixs0yA9+6DCBLOjVv6ZCZGG21hKCwt50kgH3Skiq+vcxo"
    "errors": [],
    "warnings": []

Response body parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

dataContains the response data.object
: okIndicates whether the request was successfull.boolean
: attachment_idSpecifies the ID of the attachment.string
: conversation_idSpecifies the ID of the conversation.string
: file_contentSpecifies the content of the attachment.stringEncoded in base64.

Retrieving the metadata of an uploaded attachment


The GET /properties/{property_id}/conversations/{conversation_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}/file_info request enables you to retrieve the metadata of a previously uploaded attachment.

Path parameters

The following table describes what elements you must add in the request body:

conversation_idSpecifies the ID of the conversation you want to upload the attachment to.stringrequired
property_idSpecifies the ID of the property.integerrequired
attachment_idSpecifies the ID of the attachment you want to download.stringrequired

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

    "errors": [],
    "meta": {
        "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YX1b+ZfQjV8pI0EjTeelZpab12oo9QKESHCr/tki/ynnbcRuMFr9fsxyc4AIzVD6J/vGTbBAkWW0"
    "data": {
        "file_type": "image/jpeg",
        "file_name": "test.jpg",
        "file_size": 655933
    "warnings": []

Response body parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

dataContains the response data.object
: file_nameSpecifies the name of the attachment.string
: file_typeSpecifies the type of the attachment.string
: file_sizeSpecifies the total size of the attachment in bytes.integer