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Managing tags

This section describes what tags are, which are available, and how to use them.

What are tags?

Tags are labels you can attach to and remove from conversations and messages. On the message level you can also specify to which participant(s) the tag applies to.

Currently you can use the following two tags:

  • message_read (or read): To mark the message(s) as read and which participant(s) have read the message(s).
  • no_reply_needed: To mark the conversation as no reply needed in case the conversation does not require any response from any participant.

Who sees what?

If you set up a tag, it shows up in your messaging interface only. This means that tags enable you to inform properties whether, for example, the message is already read by the property or that a conversation no longer requires a reply. To emphasise, the tags in this section do not show up on the guest side.

What can you do with tags?

You can either use the dedicated endpoints for each tag (attaching and removing), which we recommend, or use the configurable endpoint that enables you to set the tags up yourself.

→ To tag a conversation as no reply needed, see tagging a conversation as no reply needed.
→ To remove the no_reply_needed tag, see removing the no reply needed tag.
→ To tag messages as read, see tagging messages as read.
→ To remove the message_read tag, see removing the message read tag.

Retrieving tags


The GET /properties/{property_id}/tags request enables you to retrieve all the available tags, including information on how to use each.

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

    "meta": {
        "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YZ/T6pHZy8K7wEoZsU9NOQYJDChBVgP4fH9Bq7NcY4SbU1Ag/EbPXntZYYnnn5lcHR/ew0pgz0pw"
    "errors": [],
    "warnings": [],
    "data": {
        "tags": [
                "usage": "internal, can only be retrieved with conversation",
                "tag": "pending_none",
                "description": "Conversation does not need a reply from any of the participants"
                "usage": " You can add this tag to and remove it from conversations using a dedicated endpoint. For more detailed information, see the documentation.",
                "description": "The conversation does not require a reply from any of the participants,",
                "tag": "no_reply_needed"
                "usage": "You can add this tag to and remove it from messages using a dedicated endpoint. For more detailed information, see the documentation.",
                "tag": "read",
                "description": "A participant has read the message."
                "tag": "delivered",
                "description": "Message has been delivered",
                "usage": "internal, can only be retrieved with conversation"
                "tag": "replied",
                "description": "Message has been replied to by participant",
                "usage": "internal, can only be retrieved with conversation"
                "usage": "internal, can only be retrieved with conversation",
                "tag": "pending_guest",
                "description": "Conversation needs reply from guest"
                "tag": "pending_property",
                "description": "Conversation needs reply from property",
                "usage": "internal, can only be retrieved with conversation"
                "usage": "internal, can only be retrieved with conversation",
                "description": "Message has been sent",
                "tag": "sent"

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

dataContains the response object.object
: tagsContains the tag objects.array
:: descriptionSpecifies what the tag does.string
:: tagSpecifies the name of the tag.string
:: usageSpecifies how you can use the tag.stringInternal tags are set by the system. Therefore you cannot set these yourself.

Tagging a conversation as no reply needed


The PUT /properties/{property_id}/conversations/{conversation_id}/tags/no_reply_needed request enables you to directly tag a conversation as no reply needed.

→ If you want to remove the tag, see removing the no reply needed tag.

Path parameters

The following table describes the path parameters you must add:

property_idSpecifies the ID of the property.integerrequired
conversation_idSpecifies the ID of the conversation you want to tag as no reply needed.stringrequired

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

    "meta": {
        "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YaTyRj25f/2waH4F5BtL0NKrW3FqoZ+th18vbM/yHSuXx70j9WHWGVrI722rbVcB34S2muv+oaTK"
    "data": {
        "tag": "no_reply_needed",
        "is_set": true
    "warnings": [],
    "errors": []

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

dataContains the response object.object
: tagSpecifies the name of the tag.string
: is_setIndicates whether the tag is set.boolean

Removing the no reply needed tag


The DELETE /properties/{property_id}/conversations/{conversation_id}/tags/no_reply_needed request enables you to directly remove the no_reply_needed tag from a conversation.

Path parameters

The following table describes the path parameters you must add:

property_idSpecifies the ID of the property.integerrequired
conversation_idSpecifies the ID of the conversation you want to remove the no reply needed tag for.stringrequired

Response body example

The following is a successful request body example:

    "data": {
        "is_set": false,
        "tag": "no_reply_needed"
    "errors": [],
    "warnings": [],
    "meta": {
        "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YSs/tamw9Yvt4Ue6PTNzksHMMKT/1d9rl+beop+69SW6Se44sharH3Qok1aomt4ONpSb4OkShiI+"

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

dataContains the response object.object
: tagSpecifies the name of the tag.string
: is_setIndicates whether the tag is set.boolean

Tagging messages as read


The PUT /properties/{property_id}/conversations/{conversation_id}/tags/message_read request enables you to directly tag one or multiple messages as read. You must also specify to which participant(s) the tag applies to.

→ If you want to remove a tag, see removing the message read tag.

Path parameters

The following table describes the path parameters you must add:

property_idSpecifies the ID of the property.integerrequired
conversation_idSpecifies the ID of the conversation in which you want to tag messages as message_read..stringrequired

Request body parameters

The following table describes the request body parameters you must add:

message_idsContains the message_ids that you want to tag as read.arrayrequired
participant_idSpecifies the ID of the participant that you want to tag as having read the message(s).stringrequired

Request body example

The following is a successful request body example:

    "message_ids": [ 
    "participant_id": "5fe782b1-6545-55b7-8b75-588945b5f960"

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

    "errors": [],
    "data": {
        "tag": "read",
        "is_set": true
    "warnings": [],
    "meta": {
        "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YY2a4pMH7yUf8vg+S0DYMTptupqdQtpH9gmRydqd9LlQyoTh4a1xUOva2lRmOngIZDrM612NZqlr"

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

dataContains the response object.object
: tagSpecifies the name of the tag.string
: is_setIndicates whether the tagging was successful.boolean

Removing the message read tag


The DELETE /properties/{property_id}/conversations/{conversation_id}/tags/message_read request enables you to directly remove the message_read tag from one or more messages. You can also specify for which participants you want to remove the tag for.

Path parameters

The following table describes the path parameters you must add:

property_idSpecifies the ID of the property.integerrequired
conversation_idSpecifies the ID of the conversation.stringrequired

Request body parameters

The following table describes the request body parameters you must add:

message_idsContains the message_ids that you want to remove the tag message_read for.arrayrequired
participant_idSpecifies the ID of the participant that you want to remove the tag message_read for.stringrequired

Request body example

The following is a successful request body example:

    "message_ids": [ 
    "participant_id": "5fe782b1-6545-55b7-8b75-588945b5f960"

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

    "errors": [],
    "meta": {
        "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YY2a4pMH7yUf6VIaXx97zh7qxI5J14m0qku/3uEJSNjl9zFc9XMlCcAVCqvrlw5QIrbVQqzhbjQK"
    "warnings": [],
    "data": {
        "tag": "read",
        "is_set": false

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

dataContains the response object.object
: tagSpecifies the name of the tag.string
: is_setIndicates whether the tagging was successful.boolean

Setting tags

This endpoint is for testing purposes

This endpoint is experimental and exists to gather feedback on its usability. It is recommended to use the dedicated endpoints.


The POST /properties/{property_id}/conversations/{conversation_id}/tags request enables you to set tags to conversations, messages, or participants. You have to specify which tag you want to set.

To set the read tag, you must specify all request body parameters

To set the no_reply_needed tag, you must only specify the tag.

→ If you want to remove a tag, see removing tags.

Path parameters

The following table describes the path parameters you must add:

property_idSpecifies the ID of the property.integerrequired
conversation_idSpecifies the ID of the conversation.stringrequired

Request body parameters

The following table describes the request body parameters you can add:

message_idsContains the message_ids that you want to tag.arrayoptionalRequired for read.
participant_idSpecifies the ID of the participant that you want to tag.stringoptionalRequired for read.
tagSpecifies the tag you want to set.stringrequired

Request body example

The following is a successful request body example:

    "message_ids": [ 
    "tag": "read",
    "participant_id": "5fe782b1-6545-55b7-8b75-588945b5f960"

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

    "errors": [],
    "meta": {
        "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YbTDHm6UfFUcKbwM9glsIeb6pHvv53bkKkVjAIDhHaAvLg/faRlu70V14kUF8H32NGOPDGGi7Ber"
    "warnings": [],
    "data": {
        "tag": "read",
        "is_set": true

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

The following table describes the request body parameters you must add:

dataContains the response object.object
: tagSpecifies the name of the tag.string
: is_setIndicates whether the tagging was successful.boolean

Removing tags

This endpoint is for testing purposes

This endpoint is experimental and exists to gather feedback on its usability. It is recommended to use the dedicated endpoints.


The DELETE /properties/{property_id}/conversations/{conversation_id}/tags request enables you to remove tags from conversations, messages, or participants. You have to specify which tag you want to remove.

To remove the read tag, you must specify all request body parameters

To remove the no_reply_needed tag, you must only specify the tag request body parameter.

Path parameters

The following table describes the path parameters you must add:

property_idSpecifies the ID of the property.integerrequired
conversation_idSpecifies the ID of the conversation.stringrequired

Request body parameters

The following table describes the request body parameters you must add:

message_idsContains the message_ids that you want to remove a tag from.arrayoptional
participant_idSpecifies the ID of the participant that you want to remove a tag from.stringoptional
tagSpecifies the tag you want to remove.stringrequired

Request body example

The following is a successful request body example:

    "message_ids": [ 
    "tag": "no_reply_needed",
    "participant_id": "5fe782b1-6545-55b7-8b75-588945b5f960"

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

    "errors": [],
    "meta": {
        "ruid": "UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YbTDHm6UfFUcgE4kGgqDuWJehFUu8nCzbK7IDWS3x2ejUGodVbqheoMWzJnvG3nXc69gZBPY79wP"
    "data": {
        "is_set": false,
        "tag": "no_reply_needed"
    "warnings": []

Response body elements

The following table describes the response elements:

dataContains the response object.object
: tagSpecifies the name of the tag.string
: is_setIndicates whether the removing of the tag was successful.boolean