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Managing room types

Room types are labels or categories used to organise physical rooms in a property.

How does define a room type?

In its most basic form, each room type is defined by:

  • A room type code: This can be a name ("Double") or a code (9), both referring to a double room.
  • The max occupancies of the room type: You should also include max occupancies for adults and children.
  • A more descriptive name to refer to the room type: For example, Deluxe Double Room with Mountain View.

What falls under managing room types?

Managing room types involves the following actions:

What does not fall under managing room types, but could still be relevant?

The following two actions could be relevant for your user flow, but are not technically part of the room type and rate plan management API:

What is the maximum number of room types the API supports?

You can create a maximum of 100 room types for a property, including both active and inactive room types.

Creating a room type


The POST /ota/OTA_HotelInvNotif request enables you to create one or more room types for your property.

Creating or updating

To create a room type, you must set InvNotifType to New. If you want to update a room type, you must set InvNotifType to Overlay and add the InvCode ( ID referring to a room type).

→ To learn more on how to update room types, see updating room types.

Requirements for creating a room type

To create a room type on, the following elements are required:

  • Property ID
  • Room type code: To see a list of all the possible room type codes, see room type codes.
  • Max occupancy
    💡 Partners are required to include the maximum number of total guests, adults and children that are physically able to stay in the room. As an addition, partners can include the maximum number of children that can stay for a children rate. Children rate can be set up via Extranet or via API. More information can be found in Rates & Availability API documentation on how to set up these rates.
  • Room type name: To see which room type names allows per language, see retrieving room type names.
    💡 This helps to avoid duplicates, which could cause confusion when you are mapping and sending inventory.

Adding bed types for rooms that support multiple bedrooms

To add bed types for rooms that support multiple bedrooms (such as Apartment or Suite), you must use the Amenities element under Subrooms.

For example, see room amenities and bed types in a multi-bedroom room type.

Body parameters

The following table describes the elements you must add in the request body:

OTA_HotelInvNotifRQContains the SellableProducts array.objectrequired
> SellableProductsContains the SellableProduct objects.arrayrequired
HotelCodeSpecifies the unique ID of the property you create room types for.integerrequired
>> SellableProductContains a GuestRoom object.objectrequired
InvNotifTypeSpecifies whether the request is to create a room type (New) or modify an existing one (Overlay).enumrequiredPossible values are New and Overlay. You must set it to New to create the room type.
>>> GuestRoomContains a GuestRoom object.objectrequired
RoomIDSpecifies the room type ID you use in your system.integeroptionalYou can use this field to help map room types across interfaces.
>>>> DescriptionContains the room type name object.objectrequired
>>>>> TextSpecifies the name of the room type.stringrequiredTo see a list of the available room type names, see retrieving room type names.
>>>> OccupancySpecifies the occupancies of the room type.objectrequired
MaxOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of guests allowed to stay in the room type.integerrequiredThe value for MaxOccupancy cannot be higher than the sum of the values for MaxAdultOccupancy and MaxChildOccupancy.
MaxAdultOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of adult guests allowed to stay in the room type.integerrequired
MaxChildOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of children allowed to physically stay in the room type.integerrequiredThe value for MaxChildOccupancy must always be lower than that of MaxOccupancy, because you cannot have a room with only children.
>>>> TPA_ExtensionsContains the room type's additional child occupancy details.objectrequired
MaxChildPayableOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of children that are eligible for the children rate.integerrequiredThe value for @MaxChildPayableOccupancy cannot be higher than the value of @MaxChildOccupancy. system sees any additional children under adult rate.
>>>> RoomSpecifies the basic room type information.objectrequired
RoomTypeSpecifies the room type.string or integerrequiredTo see a list of the available room types, see room type codes.
SizeMeasurementSpecifies the numeric size of the room type.integeroptional
SizeMeasurementUnitSpecifies the system of measurement.stringoptionalPossible values are sqm (metric) and sqft (imperial). The default value is sqm.
NonSmokingIndicates whether smoking is allowed in the room type.booleanoptionalIn this case, 1 means non-smoking and 0 means smoking is allowed. If you do not add this attribute, the default value is unknown.
QuantitySpecifies the number of units of a room type.integeroptional
>>>> QuantitiesContains the crib and extra bed details.objectoptional
MaximumAdditionalGuestsSpecifies the maximum number of additional guests allowed to stay in the room in cribs or extra beds (rollaways).integeroptional
MaxCribsSpecifies the maximum number of cribs in the room.integeroptionalIn case you want to specify that a room with one additional guest can hold a crib OR an extra bed (but not both), you specify 1 for both.
MaxRollawaysSpecifies the maximum number of extra beds in the room.stringoptionalIf you want to specify that a room with one additional guest can hold a crib OR an extra bed (but not both), you must specify 1 for both.

Request body example

The following is a request body example:

	<SellableProducts HotelCode="6314570">
		<SellableProduct InvNotifType="New">
				<Occupancy MaxOccupancy="2" MaxAdultOccupancy="2" MaxChildOccupancy="1"/>
				<Room RoomID="12345" RoomType="Double"/>
					<Text>Deluxe Double Room with Mountain View</Text>
                	<Occupancy MaxChildPayableOccupancy="1" />  

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

<OTA_HotelInvNotifRS >
        <InventoryCrossRef  RequestInvCode="12345" ResponseInvCode="631457019" />
    <Success />
<!-- RUID: [UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YU4iplNAF3/GEVjlG+mTXmB9OwspcIW0/uhiPmwiL6pcbMzyiykpi6Yx5oKzRKEMxDhfrI] -->

The following is a response body example when the limit of 100 room types is reached:

<OTA_HotelInvNotifRS >
        <Error Type="10" Code="378" Status="NotProcessed" ShortText="The limit of 100 number of Rooms has been reached."/>
<!-- RUID: [UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YU4iplNAF3/GEVjlG+mTXmB9OwspcIW0/uhiPmwiL6pcbMzyiykpi6Yx5oKzRKEMxDhfrY] -->

Response body parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

OTA_HotelInvNotifRSContains the response data.object
> InventoryCrossRefsContains the InventoryCrossRef objects.array
>> InventoryCrossRefContains the mapping details in terms of your room type ID and room type ID.object
RequestInvCodeSpecifies your room type ID.integerTo see this, you must have specified the RoomID attribute in the Guestroom object.
ResponseInvCodeSpecifies the unique ID of the created room type.integer
> warningsContains potential warnings. These can help you improve your requests.array
> errorsContains potential errors. These can help you understand what went wrong with your request.array
> successIndicates the success of the request.object
ruidSpecifies the unique ID of the request.stringYou can send this ID to customer support if you run into an issue. This can help to understand what went wrong.

Updating a room type


The POST /ota/OTA_HotelInvNotif request enables you to update one or more room types for your property.

When updating a room type, it is very important to do the following:

  • Set InvNotifType to Overlay.

  • Include InvCode, which is the ID referring to an existing room type. You do not need to add the RoomType again.

  • Include all the other existing room type information and change the elements you want to update.

    → To retrieve information on your property's active room types (excluding max adults and children occupancies), see retrieving active room types.

    → To retrieve all the possible information for your property's room types (including max occupancies and whether room types are active or deactivated), see retrieving property details.

Requirements for updating a room type

To update a room type on, the following elements are required:

  • Property ID
  • room type ID
  • Max occupancy
    💡 You should also include the maximum number of adults and children, which are allowed to stay in the room type.
  • Room type name: To see which room type names allows per language, see retrieving room type names.
    💡 This helps to avoid duplicates, which can cause confusion when you are mapping and sending inventory.

Body parameters

The following table describes the elements you must add in the request body:

OTA_HotelInvNotifRQContains the SellableProducts array.objectrequired
> SellableProductsContains the SellableProduct objects.arrayrequired
HotelCodeSpecifies the unique ID of the property you create room types for.integerrequired
>> SellableProductContains a GuestRoom object.objectrequired
InvNotifTypeSpecifies whether the request is to create a room type (New) or modify an existing one (Overlay).enumrequiredPossible values are New and Overlay. You must set it to New to update the room type.
InvCodeSpecifies the ID generated by when you created the room type.integerrequiredUse the value in the ResponseInvCode found in the response body to modify the specified room type.
>>> GuestRoomContains a GuestRoom object.objectrequired
>>>> DescriptionContains the room type name object.objectrequired
>>>>> TextSpecifies the name of the room type.stringrequiredTo see a list of the available room type names, see retrieving room type names.
>>>> OccupancySpecifies the occupancies of the room type.objectrequired
MaxOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of guests allowed to stay in the room type.integerrequiredThe value for MaxOccupancy cannot be higher than the sum of the values for MaxAdultOccupancy and MaxChildOccupancy.
MaxAdultOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of adult guests allowed to stay in the room type.integerrequired
MaxChildOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of children allowed to physically stay in the room type.integerrequiredThe value for MaxChildOccupancy must always be lower than that of MaxOccupancy, because you cannot have a room with only children.
>>>> TPA_ExtensionsContains the room type's additional child occupancy details.objectrequired
MaxChildPayableOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of children that are eligible for the children rate.integerrequiredThe value for @MaxChildPayableOccupancy cannot be higher than the value of @MaxChildOccupancy. system sees any additional children under adult rate.
>>>> RoomSpecifies the basic room type information.objectrequired
RoomIDSpecifies the room type ID you use in your system.integeroptionalYou can use this field to help mapping room types across interfaces.
RoomTypeSpecifies the room type.string or integerrequiredTo see a list of the available room types, see room type codes.
SizeMeasurementSpecifies the numeric size of the room type.integeroptional
SizeMeasurementUnitSpecifies the system of measurement.stringoptionalPossible values are sqm (metric) and sqft (imperial). The default value is sqm.
NonSmokingIndicates whether smoking is allowed in the room type.booleanoptionalIn this case, 1 means non-smoking and 0 means smoking is allowed. If you do not add this attribute, the default value is unknown.
QuantitySpecifies the number of units of a room type.integeroptional
>>>> QuantitiesContains the crib and extra bed details.objectoptional
MaximumAdditionalGuestsSpecifies the maximum number of additional guests allowed to stay in the room in cribs or extra beds (rollaways).integeroptional
MaxCribsSpecifies the maximum number of cribs in the room.integeroptionalIn case you want to specify that a room with one additional guest can hold a crib OR an extra bed (but not both), you specify 1 for both.
MaxRollawaysSpecifies the maximum number of extra beds in the room.stringoptionalIf you want to specify that a room with one additional guest can hold a crib OR an extra bed (but not both), you must specify 1 for both.

Request body example

The following is a request body example:

	<SellableProducts HotelCode="6314570">
		<SellableProduct InvNotifType="Overlay" InvCode="631457019">
				<Occupancy MaxOccupancy="3" MaxAdultOccupancy="2" MaxChildOccupancy="1"/>
				<Room RoomID="12345" />
					<Text>Deluxe Double Room with Mountain View</Text>
                	<Occupancy MaxChildPayableOccupancy="1" />  

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

<OTA_HotelInvNotifRS >
    <Success />
<!-- RUID: [UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YU4iplNAF3/GEVjlG+mTXmB9OwspcIGa+KqcbMzyiykpi6Yx5oKzRKEMxDhfrI] -->

Response body parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

OTA_HotelInvNotifRSContains the response data.object
> warningsContains potential warnings. These can help you improve your requests.array
> errorsContains potential errors. These can help you understand what went wrong with your request.array
> successIndicates the success of the request.object
ruidSpecifies the unique ID of the request.stringYou can send this ID to customer support if you run into an issue. This can help to understand what went wrong.

Creating a multi-bedroom room type


The POST /ota/OTA_HotelInvNotif request enables you to create a room type with a multi-bedroom (includes bathroom or living room) setup for your property.

Creating or updating

To create a room type, you must set InvNotifType to New. If you want to update a room type, you must set InvNotifType to Overlay and add the InvCode ( ID referring to a room type).

→ To learn more on how to update room types with multiple bedrooms, see updating multi-bedroom room types.

Which room types can have a multi-bedroom set-up?

You can set a multi-bedroom for the following room types:

  • Apartment
  • Suite
  • Chalet
  • Bungalow
  • Holiday home
  • Villa
  • Mobile home

Requirements for creating a room type with multi-bedroom setup

To create a room type with multiple bedrooms on, the following elements are required:

  • Property ID
  • Room type code of the entire unit: To see a list of all the possible room type codes, see room type codes.
  • Room types of each (bed)room: Possible subroom types are Bedroom, Living room, and Bathroom.
  • Max occupancy
    💡 You should also include the maximum number of adults and children, which are allowed to stay in the room type.

Body parameters

The following table describes the elements you must add in the request body:

OTA_HotelInvNotifRQContains the SellableProducts array.objectrequired
> SellableProductsContains the SellableProduct objects.arrayrequired
HotelCodeSpecifies the unique ID of the property you create room types for.integerrequired
>> SellableProductContains a GuestRoom object.objectrequired
InvNotifTypeSpecifies whether the request is to create a room type (New) or modify an existing one (Overlay).enumrequiredPossible values are New and Overlay. You must set it to New to create the multi-bedroom room type.
>>> GuestRoomContains a GuestRoom object.objectrequired
RoomIDSpecifies the room type ID you use in your system.integeroptionalYou can use this field to help mapping room types across interfaces.
>>>> DescriptionContains the room type name object.objectrequired
>>>>> TextSpecifies the name of the room type.stringrequiredTo see a list of the available room type names, see retrieving room type names.
>>>> OccupancySpecifies the occupancies of the room type.objectrequired
MaxOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of guests allowed to stay in the room type.integerrequiredThe value for MaxOccupancy cannot be higher than the sum of the values for MaxAdultOccupancy and MaxChildOccupancy.
MaxAdultOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of adult guests allowed to stay in the room type.integerrequired
MaxChildOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of children allowed to physically stay in the room type.integerrequiredThe value for MaxChildOccupancy must always be lower than that of MaxOccupancy, because you cannot have a room with only children.
>>>> TPA_ExtensionsContains the room type's additional child occupancy details.objectrequired
MaxChildPayableOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of children that are eligible for the children rate.integerrequiredThe value for @MaxChildPayableOccupancy cannot be higher than the value of @MaxChildOccupancy. system sees any additional children under adult rate.
>>>> RoomSpecifies the basic room type information.objectrequired
RoomTypeSpecifies the room type.string or integerrequiredTo see a list of the available room types, see room type codes.
SizeMeasurementSpecifies the numeric size of the room type.integeroptional
SizeMeasurementUnitSpecifies the system of measurement.stringoptionalPossible values are sqm (metric) and sqft (imperial). The default value is sqm.
NonSmokingIndicates whether smoking is allowed in the room type.booleanoptionalIn this case, 1 means non-smoking and 0 means smoking is allowed. If you do not add this attribute, the default value is unknown.
QuantitySpecifies the number of units of a room type.integeroptional
>>>> TPA_ExtensionsContains elements that are extensions to the OTA standard.objectrequired
>>>>> SubRoomsContains the SubRoom elements.arrayrequired
>>>>>> SubRoomContains the SubRoom elements.arrayrequired
RoomTypeSpecifies the name of the subroom type.stringrequiredPossible values are Bedroom, Living room, and Bathroom.
PrivateBathroomIndicates whether the subroom type has a private bathroom.booleanoptional
NumberSpecifies the number of physical units of this subroom type.booleanoptional
>>>> QuantitiesContains the crib and extra bed details.objectoptional
MaximumAdditionalGuestsSpecifies the maximum number of additional guests allowed to stay in the room in cribs or extra beds (rollaways).integeroptional
MaxCribsSpecifies the maximum number of cribs in the room.integeroptionalIn case you want to specify that a room with one additional guest can hold a crib OR an extra bed (but not both), you specify 1 for both.
MaxRollawaysSpecifies the maximum number of extra beds in the room.stringoptionalIf you want to specify that a room with one additional guest can hold a crib OR an extra bed (but not both), you must specify 1 for both.

Request body example

The following is a request body example:

    <SellableProducts HotelCode="6314570">
        <SellableProduct InvNotifType="New">
                <Occupancy MaxOccupancy="4" MaxAdultOccupancy="4" MaxChildOccupancy="1"/>
                <Room RoomID="12345" RoomType="Apartment"/>
                      <SubRoom RoomType='Bedroom' PrivateBathroom="1">
                      <SubRoom RoomType='Bedroom' PrivateBathroom="0">
                      <SubRoom RoomType="Living room">
                      <SubRoom RoomType="Bathroom" Number="2" />
                  <Occupancy MaxChildPayableOccupancy="1" />

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

<OTA_HotelInvNotifRS >
        <InventoryCrossRef  RequestInvCode="12346" ResponseInvCode="631457020" />
    <Success />
<!-- RUID: [UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YU4iplNAF3/GEVjlG+mTXmB9OwuhiPmwiL6pcbMzyiykpi6Yx5oKzRKEMxDhfrI] -->

Response body parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

OTA_HotelInvNotifRSContains the response data.object
> InventoryCrossRefsContains the InventoryCrossRef objects.array
>> InventoryCrossRefContains the mapping details in terms of your room type ID and room type ID.object
RequestInvCodeSpecifies your room type ID.To see this, you must have specified the RoomID attribute in the Guestroom object.
ResponseInvCodeSpecifies the unique ID of the created room type.integer
> warningsContains potential warnings. These can help you improve your requests.array
> errorsContains potential errors. These can help you understand what went wrong with your request.array
> successIndicates the success of the request.object
ruidSpecifies the unique ID of the request.stringYou can send this ID to customer support if you run into an issue. This can help to understand what went wrong.

Updating a multi-bedroom room type


The POST /ota/OTA_HotelInvNotif request enables you to update a room type with a multi-bedroom (includes bathroom or living room) setup for your property.

When updating a multi-bedroom room type, it is very important to do the following:

  • Set InvNotifType to Overlay.

  • Include InvCode, which is the ID referring to an existing room type. You do not need to add the RoomType for the main unit again.

  • Include all the other existing room type information and change the elements you want to update.

    → To retrieve information on your property's active room types (excluding max adults and children occupancies), see retrieving active room types.

    → To retrieve all the possible information for your property's room types (including max occupancies and whether room types are active or deactivated), see retrieving property details.

Body parameters

The following table describes the elements you must add in the request body:

OTA_HotelInvNotifRQContains the SellableProducts array.objectrequired
> SellableProductsContains the SellableProduct objects.arrayrequired
HotelCodeSpecifies the unique ID of the property you create room types for.integerrequired
>> SellableProductContains a GuestRoom object.objectrequired
InvNotifTypeSpecifies whether the request is to create a room type (New) or modify an existing one (Overlay).enumrequiredPossible values are New and Overlay. You must set it to New to create the multi-bedroom room type.
>>> GuestRoomContains a GuestRoom object.objectrequired
RoomIDSpecifies the room type ID you use in your system.integeroptionalYou can use this field to help mapping room types across interfaces.
>>>> DescriptionContains the room type name object.objectrequired
>>>>> TextSpecifies the name of the room type.stringrequiredTo see a list of the available room type names, see retrieving room type names.
>>>> OccupancySpecifies the occupancies of the room type.objectrequired
MaxOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of guests allowed to stay in the room type.integerrequiredThe value for MaxOccupancy cannot be higher than the sum of the values for MaxAdultOccupancy and MaxChildOccupancy.
MaxAdultOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of adult guests allowed to stay in the room type.integerrequired
MaxChildOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of children allowed to physically stay in the room type.integerrequiredThe value for MaxChildOccupancy must always be lower than that of MaxOccupancy, because you cannot have a room with only children.
>>>> TPA_ExtensionsContains the room type's additional child occupancy details.objectrequired
MaxChildPayableOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of children that are eligible for the children rate.integerrequiredThe value for @MaxChildPayableOccupancy cannot be higher than the value of @MaxChildOccupancy. system sees any additional children under adult rate.
>>>> RoomSpecifies the basic room type information.objectrequired
RoomTypeSpecifies the room type.string or integerrequiredTo see a list of the available room types, see room type codes.
SizeMeasurementSpecifies the numeric size of the room type.integeroptional
SizeMeasurementUnitSpecifies the system of measurement.stringoptionalPossible values are sqm (metric) and sqft (imperial). The default value is sqm.
NonSmokingIndicates whether smoking is allowed in the room type.booleanoptionalIn this case, 1 means non-smoking and 0 means smoking is allowed. If you do not add this attribute, the default value is unknown.
QuantitySpecifies the number of units of a room type.integeroptional
>>>> TPA_ExtensionsContains elements that are extensions to the OTA standard.objectrequired
>>>>> SubRoomsContains the SubRoom elements.arrayrequired
>>>>>> SubRoomContains the SubRoom elements.arrayrequired
RoomTypeSpecifies the name of the subroom type.stringrequiredPossible values are Bedroom, Living room, and Bathroom.
PrivateBathroomIndicates whether the subroom type has a private bathroom.booleanoptional
NumberSpecifies the number of physical units of this subroom type.booleanoptional
>>>> QuantitiesContains the crib and extra bed details.objectoptional
MaximumAdditionalGuestsSpecifies the maximum number of additional guests allowed to stay in the room in cribs or extra beds (rollaways).integeroptional
MaxCribsSpecifies the maximum number of cribs in the room.integeroptionalIn case you want to specify that a room with one additional guest can hold a crib OR an extra bed (but not both), you specify 1 for both.
MaxRollawaysSpecifies the maximum number of extra beds in the room.stringoptionalIf you want to specify that a room with one additional guest can hold a crib OR an extra bed (but not both), you must specify 1 for both.

Request body example

The following is a request body example:

	<SellableProducts HotelCode="6314570">
		<SellableProduct InvNotifType="Overlay" InvCode="631457019">
				<Occupancy MaxOccupancy="4" MaxAdultOccupancy="4" MaxChildOccupancy="2"/>
				<Room RoomID="12345" RoomType="Apartment"/>
                      <SubRoom RoomType='Bedroom' PrivateBathroom="1">
                      <SubRoom RoomType='Bedroom' PrivateBathroom="0">
                      <SubRoom RoomType="Living room">
                      <SubRoom RoomType="Bathroom" Number="2" />
                  <Occupancy MaxChildPayableOccupancy="2" />  

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

<OTA_HotelInvNotifRS >
    <Success />
<!-- RUID: [UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YU4iplNAF3/GEVjlG+mTXmB9OwspcIGa+Kqv/KBuW6ki6Yx5oKzRKEMxDhfrI] -->

Response body parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

OTA_HotelInvNotifRSContains the response data.object
> warningsContains potential warnings. These can help you improve your requests.array
> errorsContains potential errors. These can help you understand what went wrong with your request.array
> successIndicates the success of the request.object
ruidSpecifies the unique ID of the request.stringYou can send this ID to customer support if you run into an issue. This can help to understand what went wrong.

Retrieving active room types


The POST /xml/rooms request enables you to retrieve all the active room types of a property.

→ To retrieve both deactivated and active room types, you must retrieve the property details and filter on GuestRooms.

Body parameters

The following table describes the elements you must add in the request body:

requestContains the request information.objectrequired
> hotel_idSpecifies the unique ID of the property you want to retrieve the active room types for.integerrequired

Request body example

The following is a request body example:


Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

    <room id="631457004" hotel_id="6314570" hotel_name="The Tech W" max_children="1">Double Room</room>
    <room id="631457005" hotel_id="6314570" hotel_name="The Tech W" max_children="1">Deluxe Double Room with Sea View</room>
    <room id="631457006" hotel_id="6314570" hotel_name="The Tech W" max_children="3">Apartment</room>
<!-- RUID: [UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YZvDaUET+NMaXKN+9zcX6t7ygxdUDjvU4TNDD8JwtXxnIZuaEi] -->

Response body parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

roomsContains the room objects.object
> roomContains the room type information.object
idSpecifies the unique ID of the active room type.integer
hotel_idSpecifies the unique ID of the property you retrieved the active room types for.integer
hotel_nameSpecifies the name of the property you retrieved the active room types for.string
max_childrenSpecifies the maximum number of children allowed to stay in the room type.integer
ruidSpecifies the unique ID of the request.stringYou can send this ID to customer support if you run into an issue. This can help to understand what went wrong.

Deactivating a room type


The POST /ota/OTA_HotelInvNotif request also enables you to deactivate an active room type. To do so, you must:

  • Set InvNotifType to Overlay.
  • Add the InvStatusType attribute within SellableProduct and set it to Deactivated.
  • Include the InvCode, which refers to the ID of the room type you want to deactivate.

Deactivating causes roomrates to be deactivated

If you deactivate a room type, all roomrates (products) you have created for a property with this room type become deactivated as well. This also means any inventory or availability is removed.

If you decide to activate a deactivated room type, you must both create roomrates and push inventory (availability) again.

Body parameters

The following table describes the elements you must add in the request body:

OTA_HotelInvNotifRQContains the SellableProducts array.objectrequired
> SellableProductsContains the SellableProduct objects.arrayrequired
HotelCodeSpecifies the unique ID of the property.integerrequired
>> SellableProductContains a GuestRoom object.objectrequired
InvNotifTypeSpecifies whether the request is to create a room type (New) or modify an existing one (Overlay).enumrequiredPossible values are New and Overlay. You must set it to Overlay to deactivate the room type.
InvStatusTypeSpecifies whether the request is to activate or deactivate a room type.enumrequiredPossible values are Active and Deactivated. You must set it to Deactivated to deactivate the room type.
InvCodeSpecifies the unique ID of the room type you want to deactivate.integerrequired
>>> GuestRoomContains a GuestRoom object.objectrequired
RoomIDSpecifies the room type ID you use in your system.optional

Request body example

The following is a request body example:

  <SellableProducts HotelCode="6314570">
    <SellableProduct InvNotifType="Overlay" InvStatusType="Deactivated" InvCode="631457023">
      <GuestRoom RoomID="12345" />

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

    <Success />
<!-- RUID: [UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YZvDaUET+NMawINLs5rR3NaajLtEH/70GwD6OurpnDg0kGlNgNTpVkuAxZhiiu] -->

Response body parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

OTA_HotelInvNotifRSContains the response data.object
> warningsContains potential warnings. These can help you improve your requests.array
> errorsContains potential errors. These can help you understand what went wrong with your request.array
> successIndicates the success of the request.object
ruidSpecifies the unique ID of the request.stringYou can send this ID to customer support if you run into an issue. This can help to understand what went wrong.

Activating a room type


The POST /ota/OTA_HotelInvNotif request also enables you to reactivate a previously deactivated room type. To do so, you must:

Body parameters

The following table describes the elements you must add in the request body:

OTA_HotelInvNotifRQContains the SellableProducts array.objectrequired
> SellableProductsContains the SellableProduct objects.arrayrequired
HotelCodeSpecifies the unique ID of the property.integerrequired
>> SellableProductContains a GuestRoom object.objectrequired
InvNotifTypeSpecifies whether the request is to create a room type (New) or modify an existing one (Overlay).enumrequiredPossible values are New and Overlay. You must set it to Overlay to activate the room type.
InvStatusTypeSpecifies whether the request is to activate or deactivate a room type.enumrequiredPossible values are Active and Deactivated. You must set it to Active to activate the room type.
InvCodeSpecifies the unique ID of the room type you want to activate.integerrequired
>>> GuestRoomContains a GuestRoom object.objectrequired
RoomIDSpecifies the room type ID you use in your system.optional

Request body example

The following is a request body example:

  <SellableProducts HotelCode="6314570">
    <SellableProduct InvNotifType="Overlay" InvStatusType="Active" InvCode="631457023">
      <GuestRoom RoomID="12345" />

Response body example

The following is a successful response body example:

    <Success />
<!-- RUID: [UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YZvDaUET+NMawINLs5rR3NaajLtEH/70GwD6OurpnDg0kGlNgNTpVkuAxZhiiu] -->

Response body parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

OTA_HotelInvNotifRSContains the response data.object
> warningsContains potential warnings. These can help you improve your requests.array
> errorsContains potential errors. These can help you understand what went wrong with your request.array
> successIndicates the success of the request.object
ruidSpecifies the unique ID of the request.stringYou can send this ID to customer support if you run into an issue. This can help to understand what went wrong.