Last updated

Implementing or disabling CVC collection

Use the PaymentPreferences element within the HotelDescriptiveContentNotif endpoint to enable your properties to collect the CVC or CVV (credit card verification code) of their guests.

Implementing (or disabling) CVC collection


Use the PaymentPreferences element while updating the property details (HotelDescriptiveContentNotif endpoint) to implement or disable CVC collection for a specific property.

Activate CVC collection feature is deprecated

The Activate CVC collection(capi_payment_collect_cvc) feature is deprecated. Irrespective of the feature setting, you can implement the NoCVC attribute of PaymentPreferences.

Body parameters

The following table contains the body parameters specific to enabling/disabling collecting CVC/CVV:

OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQContains the Target attribute, which specifies the request is for a real property (Production) or a test property (Test).root elementrequired
> HotelDescriptiveContentsContains the HotelDescriptiveContent elements.arrayrequired
>> HotelDescriptiveContentContains details about the property.objectrequired
HotelDescriptiveContentNotifTypeSpecify whether the request is meant to create a new property (New) or overlay an existing one (Overlay).enumerated stringoptionalThe default value is New.
HotelCodeSpecifies the unique property ID.stringrequired
>>> HotelInfoContains the elements associated with property details and descriptions.objectrequired
>>>> TPA_ExtensionsContains elements that are seen as extensions of the OTA standard.objectrequired
>>>>> PaymentPreferencesContains details such as whether properties can see guest's credit card details and and collect CVC codes.objectoptionalThe default value for NoCVC is 1.
NoCVCSpecify whether properties can collect CVC for a booking.booleanoptional* 0 - Properties can collect CVC details.
* 1 - Properties cannot collect CVC details.
ViewCCDetailsSpecify whether trusted properties can view the guest's credit card details.booleanoptional* 0 - Properties cannot view credit card details.
* 1 - A trusted property can view the credit card details.

Request body example

You must specify the property for which you want to implement or disable CVC collection. The following is a request body example for an implementation:

<OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ Target="Production">
                        ViewCCDetails="true" />
                    <!-- NoCVC="0" means collect CVC for this property. !-->

Sample response

The following is a success response:

<OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRS Target="Production">
    <Success />