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Retrieve property details

Use the /ota/OTA_HotelDescriptiveInfo endpoint to retrieve a property's details. You can use this endpoint to also view property details for properties in pending connection status. For more information on how to check the connection status with the property, see Retrieve property attributes.

Before you start

You need to specify at least one property ID.



Request body parameters

The following table describes the elements you can add in the request body:

OTA_HotelDescriptiveInfoRQRoot element.objectrequired-
__ >__ HotelDescriptiveInfosContains one or multiple HotelDescriptiveInfo element(s).objectrequired-
__ >>__ HotelDescriptiveInfoContains property IDs.objectrequired-
HotelCodeSpecifies the Property ID.stringrequired-

Request body

The following is a request body example:

      <!-- Replace the {PlaceHolder} in the following line! -->

Response body parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

OTA_HotelDescriptiveInfoRSRoot elementobject
> HotelDescriptiveContentsContains property details.object
>> HotelDescriptiveContent
HotelNameSpecifies the name of the property on
LanguageCodeSpecifies the language in which the property wants their Extranet content and communication (emails, notifications, etc.)enumerated string
IDSpecifies a custom property ID generated when the property was first created.string
StatusSpecifies the property status from a list of possible values.enumerated stringPossible values are:
- Test Hotel: The property configurations are in the test mode. The property does not appear in the search results on
- Open / bookable: The property appears in the search results on and online visitors of can book the property.
For more information on all supported property statuses, see Property statuses.
CurrencyCodeSpecifies the currency code.enumerated defines the currency for each property. To retrieve a list of all currency codes, use the /xml/currencies endpoint.
>>> HotelInfoContains information about the types of rooms and services a property offers.object-
>>>> CategoryCodesContains general property details, such as number of rooms and property type.object-
>>>>> GuestRoomInfoContains room details.object-
QuantitySpecifies the number of sellable units that the property offers.integer
>>>>> HotelCategoryContains property type details.object-
CodeSpecifies the property class type code.enumerated stringFor a list of supported property class type codes, see Property Class Type Code.
>>>> LanguagesContains languages spoken at the property.array of Language
>>>>> LanguageContains language spoken at a property.objectCan contain multiple Language elements.
LanguageCodeSpecifies the Language Code.enumerated stringFor a list of supported language codes, see Language Code table.
>>>> Descriptionsobject
>>>>> MultimediaDescriptionsContainer to hold multimedia information.object
>>>>>> MultimediaDescriptionContainer to hold multimedia information.object
>>>>>>> TextItemsobject
>>>>>>>> TextItemobject
>>>>>>>>> DescriptionSpecifies the description of the multimedia object.object
>>>>>>>>>> URLSpecifies the URL of the multimedia object.object
>>>> PositionContains the geographical coordinates of property.object-
LongitudeSpecifies the longitude coordinates.longitude-
LatitudeSpecifies the latitude coordinates.latitude-
>>>> ServicesContains the services offered at the property.array of Service-
>>>>> ServiceContains details of individual services offered at the property.object-
CodeSpecifies the property amenity code for the service.enumerated stringFor a list of supported property amenity codes, see Amenity codes.
ExistsCodeSpecifies if the service exists (present or missing).enumerated stringPossible values are:
* 1 = yes(present)
* 2 = no(missing).
PriceThe price for the service, specified in the property's default currency.integerRequired if Code is 173 (breakfast), 6000 (lunch), 6001 (dinner).
CurrencyCodeSpecifies the currency code.enumerated defines the currency for each property. To retrieve a list of all currency codes, use the /xml/currencies endpoint.
>>>>>> TypesContains the types of service offered.array of TypeCurrently used for breakfast services only.
>>>>>>> TypeContains the types of service offered.objectCurrently used for breakfast services only.
CodeSpecifies the breakfast type code.enumerated stringFor a list of supported breakfast type code, see Breakfast Type Code
>>>>>> ItemsContains a collection of items.array of ItemCurrently used for breakfast services only.
>>>>>>> ItemContains the items for the service offered.objectCurrently used for breakfast services only.
CodeSpecifies the breakfast type code.enumerated stringFor a list of supported breakfast type code, see Breakfast Type Code
>>>>>> OperationTimesContains the opening/closing times for the service offered.array of OperationTimeCurrently used for breakfast services only.
>>>>>>> OperationTimeContains the opening/closing times for a Restaurant or Service like breakfast.objectCan contain multiple OperationTime elements.
MonSpecifies whether the Start and End times apply on this day of the week.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
TueSpecifies whether the Start and End times apply on this day of the week.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
WedsSpecifies whether the Start and End times apply on this day of the week.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
ThurSpecifies whether the Start and End times apply on this day of the week.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
FriSpecifies whether the Start and End times apply on this day of the week.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
SatSpecifies whether the Start and End times apply on this day of the week.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
SunSpecifies whether the Start and End times apply on this day of the week.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
StartThe opening time of the Restaurant or Service.enumerated stringFor a list of opening time, see Check-in/Check-Out Time Code.
EndThe closing time of the Restaurant or Service.enumerated stringFor a list of closing time, see Check-in/Check-Out Time Code.
>>>> OwnershipManagementInfosInformation about the property's relationship to of OwnershipManagementInfo-
>>>>> OwnershipManagementInfoDetails about the property's relationship to
>>>>>> CompanyNameDetails of the company that owns/manages the property.object
CodeSpecifies the ID of the legal entity to which the property belongs.integerOnly allowed for new properties.
>>>> RelativePositionsContains the travel routes to and from the property.array of RelativePosition-
>>>>> RelativePositionContains the details of a travel route to or from the property.objectCan contain multiple RelativePosition elements.
>>>>>> TransportationsContains transportation details.array of Transportation-
>>>>>>> TransportationContainer for TPA_Extensions.objectCan contain multiple Transportation elements.
>>>>>>>> TPA_ExtensionsContainer for Route.objectCan contain multiple TPA_Extensions elements.
>>>>>>>>> RouteContains the details of a travel route.object-
>>>>>>>>>> LegContains the details of the starting point, destination, and transport method.object-
>>>>>>>>>>> DepartureContains the departure times.object-
IntervalSpecifies the departure interval in minutes, if the transportation departs multiple times a day.integer-
UponArrangementSpecifies whether the transportation is available only by arrangement.integer1 = true, 0 false
>>>>>>>>>>> JunctionContains the motorway/highway junction/exit to take.object-
NameSpecifies the name of the junction/exit to take, if travelling by car.stringTransportType[Code="5"] (car).
>>>>>>>>>>> LineContains the public transport line details.object-
NameSpecifies the name or number of the line to take, if travelling by shuttle or public transport.stringOnly allowed when TransportType[Code] is 3, 10, 18, 22, or 5001.
>>>>>>>>>>> MotorwayContains the motorway/highway details.object-
NameSpecifies the name of the motorway to take, if travelling by car.stringOnly allowed when TransportType[Code="5"] (car).
>>>>>>>>>>> StartContains the starting point details.object-
TypeSpecifies the type of starting point.enumerated stringAccepted values: airport
CodeSpecifies the 3-letter IATA code of the airport that serves as the starting location.enumerated stringFor a list of supported IATA codes, see IATA.
>>>>>>>>>>> TransportTypeContains the transportation method.object-
CodeSpecifies the Transportation Code for the Leg's transportation type.enumerated string-
>>>>>>>>>> JourneyTimeContains the travel time details.object-
MinutesSpecifies the journey time, specified in minutes.integer-
>>>>>>>>>> PriceContains the travel price details.object-
AmountSpecifies the estimated price of the journey, in CurrencyCode.real-
CurrencyCodeSpecifies the currency code.enumerated string-
>>>> TPA_ExtensionsContainer for AcceptedPayments, and InvoiceDetails.object-
>>>>> AcceptedPaymentsContains the details of payment methods.objectCan contain multiple AcceptedPayments elements.
>>>>>> AcceptedPaymentContains the details of a payment method.objectCan contain multiple AcceptedPayment elements.
PaymentTypeCodeSpecifies the Payment Type Code.enumerated string-
>>>>> PaymentPreferencesContains details such as whether properties can see guest's credit card details and collect CVC codes.object
NoCVCSpecifies whether properties can collect CVC for a booking.boolean* 0 - Properties can collect CVC details.
* 1 - Properties cannot collect CVC details.
ViewCCDetailsSpecifies whether trusted properties can view the guest's credit card details.boolean* 0 - Properties cannot view credit card details.
* 1 - A trusted property can view the credit card details.
>>> FacilityInfoContains property's facility details.object
>>>> GuestRoomsContains property's room details.object
>>>>> GuestRoomContains property's room details.object
IDSpecifies the room type ID.string-
ActiveSpecifies the room type status (active or inactive).booleanPossible values are:
- 1: Active.
- 0: Inactive.
RoomTypeNameSpecifies the BCRT room type name.enumerated string-
QuantitySpecifies the number of sellable units in this room type.integer
NonSmokingSpecifies whether smoking is allowed in the room.enumerated stringPossible values are:
- Unknown: The property's preference is not known at this time.
- 0: Smoking is not allowed.
- 1: Smoking is allowed.
SizeMeasurementSpecifies the room size.double
SizeMeasurementUnitSpecifies the unit of measurement used to specify the room size.enumerated string
>>>>>> AmenityContains the details of a room amenity.object-
RoomAmenityCodeSpecifies the Room Amenity Type Code.enumerated string-
QuantitySpecifies the available number of amenities of this type.integer-
AmenityCodeSpecifies the Room Amenity Type Code.enumerated stringSame as RoomAmenityCode, introduced for compatibility with OTA_HotelInvNotifRQ.
ValueSpecifies the available number of amenities of this type.enumerated stringSame as Quantity, introduced for compatibility with OTA_HotelInvNotifRQ.
ConfigurationSpecifies whether the amenity is available in the standard or alternative room arrangement.enumerated stringAccepted only when RMA code is a bed type. Possible values: 1 (standard arrangement), 2 (alternative arrangement). Introduced for compatibility with OTA_HotelInvNotifRQ.
>>>>>> DescriptiveTextContains the localised room type name.string-
>>>>>> TPA_ExtensionsContains extra information like occupancy details.object
>>>>>>> OccupancyContains occupancy details.object
MaxChildPayableOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of children that are eligible for the children rate. Any additional child is charged as an adult.object
>>>>>> SubroomsContains sub room details.object
>>>>>>> SubroomContains individual sub room details.object
RoomTypeSpecifies the room type details.enumerated string
PrivateBathroomSpecifies whether the sub room has a private bathroom.booleanPossible values are:
- 1: True
- 0: False
MaxGuestsSpecifies the maximum number of guests allowed in the room.integer
>>>>>>>> AmenitiesContains property's amenities details.object
>>>>>>>>> AmenityContains property's amenity details.objectTo avoid duplicates in room amenity codes, the system groups similar amenities using a common amenity code internally. The OTA amenities table provides the default amenity code that is set internally by the Content API when amenities that are same or similar are set using their respective codes. For example, using any of the codes with desk, which are 28 (Desk), 29 (Desk with lamp) and 64 (Large desk), internally default to 28 (Desk). So even when you set code 29, when you retrieve the amenity with the OTA_HotelDescriptiveInfo endpoint, it shows as 28.
To learn more about which codes default to what, see room type amenity codes.
AmenityCodeSpecifies the room amenity type code.enumerated stringSame as RoomAmenityCode, introduced for compatibility with OTA_HotelInvNotifRQ.
ValueSpecifies the available number of amenities of this type.enumerated stringSame as Quantity, introduced for compatibility with OTA_HotelInvNotifRQ.
>>>>>> OccupancyContains room occupancy details.object
MaxOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of guests that can physically fit in the room.integer
MaxAdultOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of adults that can physically fit in the room.integer
MaxChildOccupancySpecifies the maximum number of children that can physically fit in the room.integer
>>>>>> QuantitiesContains the maximum number of cribs and rollaways allowed.object
MaxCribsSpecifies the maximum number of cribs allowed for the room type.integer-
MaxRollawaysSpecifies the maximum number of rollaways allowed for the room typeinteger-
>>>> RestaurantsContains property's restaurant details.object
>>>>> RestaurantContains individual restaurant details.object
RestaurantNameName of the restaurant.string-
OfferBreakfastSpecifies whether the restaurant offers breakfast.integerPossible values are: 1, 0.
OfferBrunchSpecifies whether the restaurant offers brunch.integerPossible values are:
1 - offers brunch,
0 - does not offer brunch.
OfferDinnerSpecifies whether the restaurant offers dinner.integerPossible values are:
1 - offers dinner,
0 - does not offer dinner.
OfferLunchSpecifies whether the restaurant offers lunch.integerPossible values are:
1 - offers lunch,
0 - does not offer lunch.
>>>>>> CuisineCodesContainer for cuisine details.array of CuisineCode
>>>>>>> CuisineCodeContainer for cuisine details.array of CuisineCode-
CodeSpecifies the cuisine codes offered by the restaurant.integerFor a list of supported cuisine codes, see cuisine codes.
>>>>>> OperationSchedulesContainer for OperationSchedule.object-
>>>>>>> OperationScheduleContainer for OperationTimes.object-
>>>>>>>>> OperationTimesContains the opening/closing times for the service offered.array of OperationTimeCurrently used for breakfast services only.
>>>>>>>>>> OperationTimeContains the opening/closing times for a Restaurant or Service like breakfast.objectCan contain multiple OperationTime elements.
MonSpecifies whether the Start and End times apply on this day of the week.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
TueSpecifies whether the Start and End times apply on this day of the week.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
WedsSpecifies whether the Start and End times apply on this day of the week.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
ThurSpecifies whether the Start and End times apply on this day of the week.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
FriSpecifies whether the Start and End times apply on this day of the week.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
SatSpecifies whether the Start and End times apply on this day of the week.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
SunSpecifies whether the Start and End times apply on this day of the week.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
StartSpecifies the opening time of the Restaurant or Service.enumerated stringFor a list of opening times, see [ Check-in/Check-Out Time Code.] BCIO
EndSpecifies the closing time of the Restaurant or Service.enumerated stringFor a list of closing times, see [ Check-in/Check-Out Time Code.] BCIO
>>>>>> FeaturesContainer for special features.array of Feature-
>>>>>>> FeatureContainer for special features.object-
DescriptiveTextSpecifies the feature type.enumerated stringFor all possible values, see DescriptiveText.
>>>>>> TPA_ExtensionsContainer for Ambiances and DietaryOptions.object-
>>>>>>> AmbiancesContains the ambiance/mood/atmosphere for a Restaurant.objectCan contain multiple Ambiances elements.
>>>>>>>> AmbianceContains the ambiance/mood/atmosphere for a Restaurant.object
NameSpecifies the ambiance type.enumerated stringAccepts the following values:
* family/kids friendly
* modern
* romantic
* traditional
>>>>>>> DietaryOptionsContains dietary options in a Restaurant.objectCan contain multiple DietaryOptions elements.
>>>>>>>> DietaryOptionContains a single dietary option in a Restaurant.objectCan contain multiple DietaryOption elements.
NameSpecifies the dietary option.enumerated stringPossible values are:
* dairy free
* gluten free
* halal
* kosher
* vegan, vegetarian
>>> AreaInfoContains details about attractions and amenities near the property.object
>>>> AttractionsContains details about attractions and amenities near the property.object
>>>>> AttractionContains attraction details near the property.object
AttractionCategoryCodeSpecifies the attraction Category Code.enumerated stringFor a list of supported attraction codes, see the Attraction code list.
AttractionNameSpecifies the attraction name (in LanguageCode).string-
DistanceSpecifies the distance from property to attraction (in DistanceUnit).float-
DistanceUnitSpecifies the measurement unit for Distance.enumerated stringPossible values are:
* meters
* kilometers
* feet
* miles
LanguageCodeSpecifies the Language Code used for the attraction information.enumerated stringFor a list of supported language codes, see Language Code table.
>>> PoliciesContains all policy details including cancellation and pet policies.object-
>>>> PolicyContains policy details.object-
>>>>> PolicyInfoContains the policy information, including check-in/check-out times.object-
CheckInTimeSpecifies the Check-in/Check-Out time code for the earliest time a guest can check in.enumerated stringFormat: HH:MM (from) or HH:MM-HH:MM (from-to). Only "from" is required; "to" is optional. 24-hour check-in can be specified using 00:00-00:00.
CheckOutTimeSpecifies the Check-in/Check-Out time code for the time by which a guest should check out at the latest.enumerated stringFormat: HH:MM (from) or HH:MM-HH:MM (from-to). 24-hour check-out can be specified using 00:00-00:00.
TotalGuestCountSpecifies the total number of guests that can stay at the property at a given time.integer-
AcceptedGuestTypeSpecifies whether the property admits adults and children, or only adults.enumerated stringPossible values are: AdultOnly and ChildrenAllowed.
MinGuestAgeSpecifies the minimum age that children are allowed (in case ChildrenAllowed).integer
>>>>> PetsPoliciesContains the policies around pets.array of PetsPolicy-
PetsAllowedCodeSpecifies the property's policy regarding pets.enumerated stringPossible values are: Pets Allowed, Pets Not Allowed, Pets By Arrangements.
>>>>>> PetsPolicyContains the pets policy details.objectRequired if PetsAllowedCode is Pets Allowed, Pets By Arrangements.
NonRefundableFeeSpecifies if the property charges for having a pet stay in the room.enumerated stringPossible values are: free, charges_may_apply
>>>>> CancelPolicyContainer for CancelPenalty.object-
>>>>>> CancelPenaltyContains the cancellation fee policy details.objectCan contain multiple CancelPenalty elements.
PolicyCodeSpecifies the Cancellation Policy Code.enumerated string
DescriptionSpecifies the user-friendly cancellation penalty details.string
PolicyNameSpecifies the policy name that is used internally. You can ignore this value.enumerated string
>>>>>>> TPA_ExtensionsContainer for NoShowPolicy.array of NoShowPolicy-
>>>>>>>> NoShowPolicyContains the no-show policy details.objectDescendant of CancelPenalty.
PenaltySpecifies how much the property charges if the guest doesn't show up on the check-in date.enumerated stringPossible values are: total_price (of stay), default (same as cancellation fee).
>>>>> BookingRulesContains the rules for how long in advance the room can be booked.array of BookingRule-
>>>>>> BookingRuleContains the Booking rule details.objectCan contain multiple BookingRule elements.
MinAdvancedBookingOffsetSpecifies the minimum amount of time in advance the room must be booked, relative to midnight (24:00 CE(S)T) on the day of check-in.P[0-9]+(Y/D/H)The search date is counted as one of the days in the restriction length.
Example: P5H means the room must be booked before 19:00 on the check-in date.
MaxAdvancedBookingOffsetSpecifies the maximum amount of time in advance the room can be booked, relative to midnight (24:00 CE(S)T) on the day of check-in.P[0-9]+(Y/D/H)The search date is counted as one of the days in the restriction length.
Example: P14D means the room can be booked a maximum of 14 days before the check-in date.
ReleaseTimeOfDayStartSpecifies the time of the day the room can start being booked.HH:MMTime intervals of 15 minutes starting at midnight. For example: 10:15.
ReleaseTimeOfDayEndSpecifies the time of the day the room can no longer be booked.HH:MMTime intervals of 15 minutes starting at midnight. For example: 21:30
>>>>> GuaranteePaymentPolicyContains the policies around refunds.array of GuaranteePayment-
>>>>>> GuaranteePaymentContains the refund policy details.object-
PolicyCodeSpecifies the cancellation policy code.enumerated string
DescriptionSpecifies the user-friendly guarantee payment details.string
PolicyNameSpecifies the policy name that is used internally. You can ignore this value.enumerated string
>>>>>>> TPA_ExtensionsContainer for PrepaymentPolicyobject-
>>>>>>>> PrepaymentPolicyContains the prepayment policy details.object
EffectiveFromSpecifies the moment at which the refund policy becomes effective.enumerated stringPossible values are: after_reservation_is_made, after_cancellation_fee_begins.
>>>>> TaxPoliciesContains the policies around taxes.array of TaxPolicy-
>>>>>> TaxPolicyContains the tax policy details.objectCan contain multiple TaxPolicy elements.
CodeSpecifies the Fee Tax Type Code.enumerated string-
AmountSpecifies the amount charged, in the country's local currency.priceInstead of Amount, you can also use Percent.
DecimalPlacesSpecifies the number of decimal places to apply to Amount.integer-
PercentSpecifies the percentage of the room price that will be added as taxes.non-negativeOnly allowed if Amount is not provided. Required if Code="36" (VAT).
TypeSpecifies whether the tax is included in the room price or not.enumerated stringPossible values are: Inclusive, Exclusive.
ChargeFrequencySpecifies the Charge Type Code that specifies the basis for the charge. For example, once per stay, every day.enumerated string
InvCodeSpecifies the room type ID that this fee applies to.stringA fee can only apply to one room type at a time. To apply the same fee to multiple rooms, duplicate the entire TaxPolicy element. To apply a fee to all rooms in the property, remove InvCode. Get the room type ID from OTA_HotelInvNotifRS endpoint ResponseInvCode attribute on creation of room type.
>>>>> FeePoliciesContains the policies around service fees (WiFi, heating, pets, etc.).array of FeePolicy-
>>>>>> FeePolicyContains the fee policy details.objectCan contain multiple FeePolicy elements.
CodeSpecifies the Fee Tax Type Code.enumerated string-
AmountSpecifies the amount charged, in the country's local currency.priceInstead of Amount, you can also use Percent.
DecimalPlacesSpecifies the number of decimal places to apply to Amount.integer
PercentSpecifies the percentage of the room price that will be added as a fee.non-negativeOnly allowed if Amount is not provided.
TypeSpecifies whether the fee is included in the room price, or is charged only under certain conditions.enumerated stringPossible values are: Inclusive, Exclusive, Conditional. Conditional is only allowed when [Code="5009"] (cleaning fees).
ChargeFrequencySpecifies the Charge Type Code that specifies the unit of time on which the charge is calculated. For example, once per stay, every day.enumerated string
MinAgeSpecifies the minimum age for the children policy to apply. In combination with MaxAge it becomes an age range.integerYou can use this attribute with Fee Tax Type (FTT) code 37, 38, or 44.
If you want to specify different prices per age range, you must create multiple FeePolicy elements within the same request. See example.
MaxAgeSpecifies the maximum age for the children policy to apply. The max value is 255 (adult).integerYou can use this attribute with Fee Tax Type (FTT) code 37, 38, or 44.
If you want to specify different prices per age range, you must create multiple FeePolicy elements within the same request. See example.
InvCodeSpecifies the room type ID to which the fee applies.stringYou can apply one fee policy to one room type at a time. To apply the same fee policy to multiple rooms, you have to add another FeePolicy element for each additional room type. To apply a fee to all room types in the property, you must remove the InvCode attribute.
>>>>>>> TPA_ExtensionsContainer for Conditions, InternetFeePolicy or ParkingFeePolicy (depending on Type).object-
>>>>>>>> ConditionsContains the cleaning fee conditions.object-
>>>>>>>>> ConditionContains the cleaning fee condition details.object-
TypeSpecifies when a guest must pay the extra cleaning fee.enumerated stringPossible values are: guest_brings_pet, guest_doesnt_clean_before_checkout, guest_smokes.
>>>>>>>> InternetFeePolicyContains the internet fee details.objectOnly allowed when FeePolicy[Type="5035"].
InternetTypeSpecifies the type of internet connection. ****enumerated stringPossible values are: wired, wifi, none.
InternetCoverageSpecifies the area covered by the internet.enumerated stringPossible values are: entire_property, public_areas, all_rooms, some_rooms, business_centre.
>>>>>>>> ParkingFeePolicyContains the parking fee policy details.objectYou can apply parking fee as a FeePolicy, which will not be added to reservation price. To apply parking fee as charges which is applied to all reservations, properties must request local support team to set it as VAT/Tax/Charges in the extranet. When the parking fee is set as a charge, ParkingFeePolicy will not be returned with the element TPA_Extensions.
ParkingTypeSpecifies the type of parking the property offers.enumerated stringPossible values are: on_site, location_nearby, none.
ParkingReservationSpecifies whether guests can/must reserve a parking space in advance.enumerated stringPossible values are: needed, not_needed, not_available.
ParkingPropertySpecifies whether the parking facility is publicly accessible or private.enumerated stringPossible values are: private, public.
>>> AffiliationInfoContains star ratings and other awards.object
>>>> AwardsContains award information.objectYou can only set a star rating for properties with property class hotel, which means you cannot set a star rating for non-hotel properties. To verify whether your property's property class type is a hotel, see the property class type table.
>>>>> AwardContains award detailsobject
ProviderSpecifies the type of award.enumerated stringPossible values are: Star rating
RatingSpecifies the number of stars.integerAccepts values: 05. Some countries don't use star ratings.
>>> ContactInfosContains contact information.object
>>>> ContactInfoContains contact details of individual person/channel.object
ContactProfileTypeSpecifies the type of contact.enumerated stringSee (#ContactProfileType).
>>>>> Names Contact person names.array of Name-
>>>>>> Name Contact person names.-
LanguageSpecifies the language used to capture the name.enumerated string
>>>>>>> GivenName Contains the contact person names.object-
>>>>> AddressesContains the contact addresses.array of Address-
>>>>>> AddressContains the contact addresses.object-
LanguageSpecifies the Language code for the address details.enumerated stringFor a list of supported language codes, see Language Code table.
>>>>>>> AddressLineSpecifies the full street name and number.stringShould not contain abbreviations (such as "Rd." for "Road") and should not exceed 255 characters.
>>>>>>> CityNameSpecifies the name of the city, town, or village.string-
>>>>>>> CountryNameSpecies the two-letter country code.enumerated stringFor more information on how to retrieve the country code details, see xml/countries endpoint.
HotelNameSpecifies the name of the property (in a language other than English).objectRequired if Language is not en.
>>>>>>> PostalCodeSpecifies the postal/zip code.string-
StateProvContains the state/province details.object-
StateCodeSpecifies the code for the state or province.stringFollow the ISO 3166-2 standard to specify the state, province, or other subdivision.
>>>>> EmailsContains the email addresses.array of Email-
>>>>>> EmailSpecifies the email address.object-
>>>>> PhonesContains the phone numbers.array of Phone-
>>>>>> PhoneSpecifies the phone number details.object-
PhonesNumberSpecifies the international phone number.stringFollows the format: \+[0-9]+
PhoneTechTypeSpecifies the type of phone line/device.enumerated stringFor a list of supported values, see PTT.
>>>>> HiddenAddressContains whether the property's address can be shown to the guests before they book a stay on a property.object
ShouldHideAddressSpecifies whether to hide the address details.boolean* 0 - Do not hide the full address.
* 1 - Hide the full address from the guest.
>>> TPA_ExtensionsobjectContainer for: StandardPhrases, GuestInformation, PropertyTaxInfo, PreventLikelyToBeCancelledBookings, CancellationGracePeriod, TotalNumberOfFloors, PricingType, LongStayInfo, BookingModel.
>>>> StandardPhrasesContains the standard phrases details.objectCan contain multiple StandardPhrases elements.
>>>>> StandardPhraseContains the standard phrase details.objectCan contain multiple StandardPhrase elements.
EnabledSpecifies whether the standard phrase is enabled.integer1 = true, 0 = false.
NameSpecifies which standard phrase must be displayed.enumerated stringFor Coronavirus-related phrases, see Standard phrases during the Coronavirus.
>>>>>> Options-Contains a collection of Options.
>>>>>>> Option-Contains the additional configuration for certain types of StandardPhrase.Required if Name is KeyCollection, Renovation,HotelChainBedLinen, or SecurityDeposit.
NameSpecifies the type of option.enumerated stringPossible values are: KeyCollectionAddressLine, KeyCollectionCityName, KeyCollectionPostalCode, RenovationFrom, RenovationUntil, SecurityDepositAmount, SecurityDepositCollectMethod, SecurityDepositCollectWhen, SecurityDepositCollectNumDays, SecurityDepositReturnMethod, SecurityDepositReturnWhen, HotelChainBedLinenAmount.
>>>> GuestInformationContains flags that specify which information guests must provide.object-
RequireGuestAddressSpecifies whether guests must provide an address.integerPossible values are: 1 (required), 0 (not required).
RequireGuestContactNumberSpecifies whether guests must provide a contact telephone number.integerPossible values are: 1 (required), 0 (not required).
HasAgeRestrictionSpecifies whether there is an age limit to check-in.integerPossible values are: 1 (has age restriction), 0 (does not have age restriction).
AgeRestrictionMinSpecifies the minimum allowed age for guests to check-in. Only effective when HasAgeRestriction=1.integer18..99
AgeRestrictionMaxSpecifies the maximum allowed age for guests to check-in. Only effective when HasAgeRestriction=1.integer18..99
HasCurfewSpecifies whether property has a curfew - times at which guests cannot enter/leave the property.integerPossible values are: 1 (has curfew), 0 (does not have curfew).
CurfewStartSpecifies the curfew start time in HH:MM format.stringOnly effective when HasCurfew=1.
CurfewEndSpecifies the curfew end time in HH:MM format.stringOnly effective when HasCurfew=1.
>>>> PropertyTaxInfoObject that contains city tax-related information.object-
PropertyRegisteredInVcsSpecifies whether the property is registered as a professional at the trade commercial register (Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés)?integerPossible values are: 1 (yes), 0 (no).
PropertyHasVatSpecifies whether the property has a VAT registered for this activity?integerPossible values are: 1 (yes), 0 (no).
PropertyDeclaresRevenueSpecifies whether the property declares revenues as professional for direct tax purposes (see article 155 IV du CGI)?integerPossible values are: 1 (yes), 0 (no).
PropertyTaxCategorySpecifies a number - city tax category ID. You can retrieve available categories using the /xml/citytaxcategory call.integerIf your answer to any of the preceding questions is (yes), then you must NOT send the PropertyTaxCategory. The system sets it up automatically. Possible values are: integer value containing category ID.
PropertyNatureCategorySpecifies a number - nature category ID. You can retrieve available categories using /xml/citytaxcategory call.integerSpecify an integer value containing category ID.
EnabledEnable/disable selling meal plans as addons through booking or not.boolean
>>>> PreventLikelyToBeCancelledBookingsContains feature objectobject-
EnabledEnable/disable the feature for current property.boolean
>>>> CancellationGracePeriodContains the cancellation exceptions container object.object-
HoursAfterBookingSpecifies the grace period - amount of hours after booking when free cancellation is available.integerPossible values are: 0, 1, 4, 24.
WeeksBeforeCheckInSpecifies the advance cancellation - amount of weeks before check-in when free cancellation is available.integerPossible values are: 0, 4, 8, 12
>>>> TotalNumberOfFloorsAllows to set the total number of floors in the building excluding underground floors.object-
NumberSpecifies the total number of floors the building has (excl. underground floors).non-negative
>>>> PricingTypeContains additional pricing configuration for HotelProduct.objectTo see this detail, make sure to enable the feature: Include hotel pricing model (include_hotel_pricing_model) in the Provider portal.
ValueSpecifies the pricing type for the product.enumerated stringPossible values are: Standard, LOS. length of stay pricing (LOS) must be enabled for a property before it can be used.
>>>> LongStayInfoContains long stay container object.object-
AcceptLongStaySpecifies whether the property accepts a stay longer than 30 nights.booleanPossible values are:
- 0: False
- 1: true
MaxLengthOfStaySpecifies the maximum length of stay that a guest can book.integerPossible values are: 45, 60, 75, 90.
>>>> BookingModelContains Booking Model container object.object-
TypeSpecifies the type of option.enumerated stringPossible values are: IB, RTB.
RtbEligibleSpecifies property's eligibility to use RTB.boolean1 - Property is eligible. 0 - Property is not eligible.


ContactInfo[ContactProfileType] displays the following values. Each value corresponds with a similarly named heading on the Contacts page in our extranet.

A property must have all the required contact profiles before you can open it.

generalPrimary point of contact for the property.Required
contractContact for contract matters.Optional
reservationsContact for reservations.Optional
invoicesContact for accounts payable.Required
availabilityContact for questions about availability.Optional
site_contentContact for photos, descriptions, and other website content.Optional
parityContact for pricing and rate matters.Optional
requestsContact for special requests.Optional
central_reservationsContact for central reservations. Applies to properties that manage reservations from another location.Optional
PhysicalLocationAddress details for the property's physical location.Required


The following is a successful response body example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OTA_HotelDescriptiveInfoRS xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" OTA_HotelDescriptiveInfoRS.xsd" TimeStamp="2023-02-10T14:44:32+00:00" Target="Production" Version="1.006">
        <HotelDescriptiveContent HotelName="Deluxe HillTop Suites" LanguageCode="en-gb" ID="8135188" Status="Test Hotel" CurrencyCode="GBP">
                    <GuestRoomInfo Quantity="30"/>
                    <HotelCategory Code="20"/>
                                    <Description> url</Description>
                <Position Longitude="4.9099" Latitude="52.3653"/>
                    <Service Code="79"/>
                    <Service Code="282"/>
                    <Service Code="5054"/>
                    <Service Code="173" Price="7" CurrencyCode="GBP">
                            <Type Code="5001"/>
                            <Type Code="5003"/>
                            <Type Code="5006"/>
                            <Type Code="5010"/>
                            <Type Code="5011"/>
                            <Item Code="5001"/>
                            <Item Code="5002"/>
                            <Item Code="5003"/>
                            <Item Code="5006"/>
                            <Item Code="5007"/>
                            <Item Code="5008"/>
                            <Item Code="5010"/>
                            <Item Code="5011"/>
                            <Item Code="5012"/>
                            <Item Code="5017"/>
                            <Item Code="5019"/>
                       <CompanyName Code="52383"/>
                    <PaymentPreferences NoCVC="1" ViewCCDetails="0"/>
                    <GuestRoom ID="813518802" Active="1" RoomTypeName="Quadruple" Quantity="10" NonSmoking="Unknown" SizeMeasurement="144.00" SizeMeasurementUnit="sqft">
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="13" AmenityCode="13"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5039" AmenityCode="5039"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5160" AmenityCode="5160"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5163" AmenityCode="5163"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5116" AmenityCode="5116"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5175" AmenityCode="5175"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5090" AmenityCode="5090"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5141" AmenityCode="5141"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5140" AmenityCode="5140"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="203" Quantity="2" AmenityCode="203" Value="2" Configuration="1"/>
                        <DescriptiveText>Classic Quadruple Room</DescriptiveText>
                        <Occupancy MaxOccupancy="5" MaxAdultOccupancy="5" MaxChildOccupancy="0"/>
                        <Quantities MaxCribs="0" MaxRollaways="0"/>
                    <GuestRoom ID="813518803" Active="1" RoomTypeName="Quadruple" Quantity="40" NonSmoking="Unknown" SizeMeasurement="144.00" SizeMeasurementUnit="sqft">
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5141" AmenityCode="5141"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5140" AmenityCode="5140"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="13" AmenityCode="13"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5039" AmenityCode="5039"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5160" AmenityCode="5160"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5163" AmenityCode="5163"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5116" AmenityCode="5116"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5175" AmenityCode="5175"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5090" AmenityCode="5090"/>
                        <DescriptiveText>Double Room</DescriptiveText>
                                 <SubRoom RoomType="Bedroom" MaxGuests="2">
                                        <Amenity AmenityCode="249" Value="1"/>
                                 <SubRoom RoomType="Bedroom" MaxGuests="2">
                                        <Amenity AmenityCode="203" Value="2"/>
                                 <SubRoom RoomType="Bathroom" Number="1"/>
                        <Occupancy MaxOccupancy="2" MaxAdultOccupancy="2" MaxChildOccupancy="0"/>
                        <Quantities MaxCribs="0" MaxRollaways="0"/>
                    <GuestRoom ID="813518804" Active="1" RoomTypeName="Chalet" Quantity="5" NonSmoking="1" SizeMeasurement="284.00" SizeMeasurementUnit="sqft">
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5141" AmenityCode="5141"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5140" AmenityCode="5140"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5160" AmenityCode="5160"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5163" AmenityCode="5163"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5116" AmenityCode="5116"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="13" AmenityCode="13"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5039" AmenityCode="5039"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5175" AmenityCode="5175"/>
                        <Amenity RoomAmenityCode="5090" AmenityCode="5090"/>
                        <DescriptiveText>Three-Bedroom Chalet</DescriptiveText>
                        <Occupancy MaxOccupancy="7" MaxAdultOccupancy="7" MaxChildOccupancy="0"/>
                        <Quantities MaxCribs="0" MaxRollaways="0"/>
                    <Attraction AttractionName="Christmas market" AttractionCategoryCode="29" Distance="1.20" DistanceUnit="miles" LanguageCode="en-gb"/>
                    <Attraction AttractionName="Sushi restaurant" AttractionCategoryCode="41" Distance="3.00" DistanceUnit="meters" LanguageCode="en-gb"/>
                    <Attraction AttractionName="Scuba diving venue" AttractionCategoryCode="5" Distance="3.00" DistanceUnit="meters" LanguageCode="en-gb"/>
                    <PolicyInfo CheckInTime="12:00" CheckOutTime="10:00" MinGuestAge="0" AcceptedGuestType="AdultOnly"/>
                    <PetsPolicies PetsAllowedCode="Pets Allowed">
                        <PetsPolicy NonRefundableFee="charges_may_apply"/>
                        <CancelPenalty PolicyCode="43" Description="The guest can cancel free of charge until 14:00 on the day of arrival. The guest will be charged the cost of the first night if they cancel after 14:00 on the day of arrival." PolicyName="PTT_GENERAL">
                                <NoShowPolicy Penalty="default"/>
                        <CancelPenalty PolicyCode="62" Description="The guest can cancel free of charge until 5 days before arrival. The guest will be charged 50% of the total price if they cancel in the 5 days before arrival." PolicyName="PTT_SPECIAL_CONDITIONS">
                                <NoShowPolicy Penalty="default"/>
                        <CancelPenalty PolicyCode="152" Description="The guest can cancel free of charge at any time." PolicyName="PTT_FULLY_FLEXIBLE">
                                <NoShowPolicy Penalty="default"/>
                        <CancelPenalty PolicyCode="568" Description="The guest can cancel free of charge until 45 days before arrival. The guest will be charged the cost of the first night if they cancel in the 45 days before arrival." PolicyName="PTT_SPECIAL_CONDITIONS_2">
                                <NoShowPolicy Penalty="default"/>
                        <GuaranteePayment PolicyCode="43" Description="The guest will be charged a prepayment of the cost of the first night after reservation." PolicyName="PTT_GENERAL">
                                <PrepaymentPolicy EffectiveFrom="after_reservation_is_made"/>
                        <GuaranteePayment PolicyCode="62" Description="The guest will be charged a prepayment of 50% of the total price after reservation." PolicyName="PTT_SPECIAL_CONDITIONS">
                                <PrepaymentPolicy EffectiveFrom="after_reservation_is_made"/>
                        <GuaranteePayment PolicyCode="152" Description="No prepayment is needed." PolicyName="PTT_FULLY_FLEXIBLE"/>
                        <GuaranteePayment PolicyCode="568" Description="The guest will be charged a prepayment of the cost of the first night after reservation." PolicyName="PTT_SPECIAL_CONDITIONS_2">
                                <PrepaymentPolicy EffectiveFrom="after_reservation_is_made"/>
                        <TaxPolicy Code="3" Percent="350" DecimalPlaces="2" Type="Exclusive"/>
                        <TaxPolicy Code="36" Percent="1800" DecimalPlaces="2" Type="Inclusive"/>
                        <FeePolicy Code="5012" Amount="1600" DecimalPlaces="2" Type="Exclusive" ChargeFrequency="12"/>
                        <FeePolicy Code="5013" Amount="1800" DecimalPlaces="2" Type="Exclusive" ChargeFrequency="12"/>
                        <FeePolicy Code="44" Amount="3100" DecimalPlaces="2" ChargeFrequency="21" MinAge="4" MaxAge="12"/>
                        <FeePolicy Code="37" Amount="2400" DecimalPlaces="2" ChargeFrequency="20" MinAge="0" MaxAge="3"/>
                        <FeePolicy Code="5036" Amount="2000" DecimalPlaces="2" Type="Exclusive" ChargeFrequency="2">
                                <ParkingFeePolicy ParkingType="location_nearby" ParkingReservation="not_needed" ParkingProperty="public"/>
                    <Award Rating="0"/>
                <ContactInfo ContactProfileType="PhysicalLocation">
                            <AddressLine>Nieuwe Kerkstraat 157</AddressLine>
                            <PostalCode>1000 CC</PostalCode>
                    <HiddenAddress ShouldHideAddress="0"/>
                <ContactInfo ContactProfileType="general">
                        <Name Language="en">
                            <GivenName>Wilson Nivea</GivenName>
                        <Phone PhonesNumber="+31666666666" PhoneTechType="1"/>
                        <Phone PhonesNumber="+31666666666" PhoneTechType="5"/>
                <ContactInfo ContactProfileType="invoices">
                        <Name Language="en">
                            <GivenName>Becky Pascal</GivenName>
                            <AddressLine>Herengracht 000</AddressLine>
                            <PostalCode>100 AB</PostalCode>
                        <Phone PhonesNumber="+31207777777" PhoneTechType="1" Extension="30"/>
                     <StandardPhrase Name="SecurityDeposit" Enabled="1"/>
                      <StandardPhrase Name="NoHenStagParty" Enabled="1"/>
                <GuestInformation RequireGuestAddress="0" RequireGuestContactNumber="0"/>
                <PreventLikelyToBeCancelledBookings Enabled="0"/>
                <TotalNumberOfFloors Number="2"/>
                <LongStayInfo AcceptLongStay="0"/>
                <BookingModel Type="RTB" RtbEligible="1"/>
                <CancellationGracePeriod HoursAfterBooking="0" WeeksBeforeCheckIn="0"/>
                <PricingType Value="Standard"/>

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