NOTE: This swagger file is automatically generated and does not specify all validations and some fields may be required that are not marked as such in swagger.
NOTE: This swagger file is automatically generated and does not specify all validations and some fields may be required that are not marked as such in swagger.
curl -i -X GET \
'{propertyId}/contacts' \
-H 'Accept-Version: string'
{ "data": { "contacts": [ … ] }, "warnings": [ { … } ], "errors": [ { … } ], "meta": { "ruid": "string" } }
General contact type is mandatory for setting up the property. Validation: ContactProfileType entries cannot be repeated within the same array. General contact can have only 1 entry in total. Current Documentation: ContactInfo Root Object
Type of Contact Profiles. Each value corresponds with a similarly named heading on the Contacts page. Validation: Must be one of provided values. Current Documentation DataMapping: ContactInfo/ContactProfileType
Type of Contact Profile. Each value corresponds with a similarly named heading on the Contacts page. Current Documentation DataMapping: ContactInfo/ContactProfileType
Name details for a contact person. Current Documentation
Contact person's gender. Validation: One of valid value. Current Documentation: Gender DataMapping: ContactInfo/Names/Gender
Contact person's given name/full name. Validation: Cannot be empty or null. Current Documentation: GivenName DataMapping: ContactInfo/Names/GivenName
The contact's Job Title. Validation: One of valid Job Title Code. Default: Unknown Current Documentation: JobTitle DataMapping: ContactInfo/Names/JobTitle
The contact's spoken language. Validation: One of valid language codes provided Language Code Current Documentation: Language DataMapping: ContactInfo/Names/Language
Validation: Cannot be null/empty PhoneTechType 1 can have at most 3 entries. PhoneTechType 3 and 5 can have at most 1 entry. Extension can only be provided for PhoneTechType 1 DataMapping: ContactInfo/Phones
The international phone number. Validation: We validate for country specific formats for the number against the address provided. Current Documentation: PhoneNumber DataMapping: ContactInfo/Phones/PhoneNumber
The type of phone line/device. Validations: One of a valid value. Current Documentation: PhoneTechType DataMapping: ContactInfo/Phones/PhoneTechType
The extension number that must be dialled in addition to the @PhoneNumber. Validation: Only accepted when @PhoneTechType= "1". Current Documentation: Extension DataMapping: ContactInfo/Phones/Extension
Email address for a contact person/point. Validation: Email must be of a standard format. Current Documentation DataMapping: ContactInfo/Emails/Email
curl -i -X PUT \
'{propertyId}/contacts' \
-H 'Accept-Version: string' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"contacts": [
"contact_profiles": [
"type": "general"
"address": {
"city_name": "string",
"country_code": "string",
"postal_code": "string",
"address_line": "string",
"language_code": "string"
"contact_person": {
"gender": "male, female",
"name": "string",
"job_title": "string",
"language_code": "string"
"phones": [
"phone_number": "string",
"phone_tech_type": null,
"extension": "string"
"email": "string"
{ "data": {}, "warnings": [ { … } ], "errors": [ { … } ], "meta": { "ruid": "string" } }