Using Postman collection
Learn how to use the Room type and rate plan management (RRM) Postman collection. If you already use Postman, you can download the collection in this topic and try out the RRM API functionality. If you are not familiar with Postman, learn more to see whether it might be useful for you.
The RRM API supports multiple actions and enables you to create and manage:
- Room types
- Rate plans
- Roomrates
- Availability has bundled all the supported actions of the RRM API in a single Postman collection. Download the Postman collection to try out the endpoints on your test property.
Postman collection details
We have organised the postman collection into 5 folders:
- Step 1 - Retrieve property information: Use the endpoints included in this step to check whether your credentials have access to the Room type and rate plan management endpoints and to retrieve property information.
- Step 2 - Managing rooms: Use the endpoints included here to create and manage room types in the test property.
- Step 3 - Managing rate plans: Use the endpoints included here to create and manage rate plans in the test property.
- Step 4 - Managing roomrates: Use the endpoints included here to create and manage roomrates in the test property.
- Step 5 - Managing availability: Use the endpoints included here to create and retrieve availability.
Getting started
To start using the collection, provide a minimum set of details for the requests to run successfully.
- Open Postman, import the postman collection and edit the variables under the variables tab before running the requests in the Postman collection. For example: Specify credentials that are valid to run on a test property.
- username
- password
- Specify a test property ID. (property_ID)
If you get a HTTP 401 Unauthorized
with the following response body, make sure to check whether the credentials you provided have access to the property specified in the property_ID
<fault code="401">
<string>Authorization Required</string>