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Understanding room type and rate plan management

This section aims to clarify what the room type and rate plan management API consists of and what you can do with it.

Basic definitions

The following definitions cover the basics when it comes to room type and rate plan management:

  • Room type: A room type is a label or category used to organise physical rooms. An example is: Double room.
  • Rate plan: A rate plan is a label or category used to organise prices. An example is: Non-refundable rate.
  • Rate relation or derived rate plan: A rate relation or derived rate plan is a rate plan that acts as a child to a specific parent rate plan, in which it can follow the parent rate plan in the way you specify.
  • Conditions: Conditions refer to the prepayment, cancellation, and override policies as well as restrictions and meal plan inclusion that you can set when creating a roomrate.
  • Roomrate or product: A roomrate or product is the unique combination of a room type and rate plan with conditions.
  • Inventory: Inventory, also known as availability, is when you specify per roomrate how many rooms you want to sell at what price for a specific date (or set of days). When sending inventory, you can also set further restrictions that specify under which conditions inventory can be sold.

What is room type and rate plan management?

Room type and rate plan management refers to managing the inventory of properties via a set of API endpoints. This includes the following main sections:


The room type and rate plan management API uses the same authentication methods as other APIs.

Going live

Before you go live with your API integration, you'll need to meet certain requirements. For more information, see Going Live.