Create and update charges that apply at the property and room level, and setup up different configurations for different dates.
Create and update charges that apply at the property and room level, and setup up different configurations for different dates.
Non-English translations of the physical address Current Documentation DataMapping: Addresses
Current Documentation Data Mapping: Position
Current Documentation Data Mapping: PolicyInfo/CheckInTime/CheckOutTime
Validation: Specified via the format HH:MM, where HH can be 00 to 24 and MM can be 00 or 30 Required for check-in, optional for check-out 24-hour check-in/check-out can be specified using 00:00 as both from and to
Current Documentation Data Mapping: PolicyInfo/CheckInTime/CheckOutTime
Specifies the name of the property on Validation: We do not allow CJK Unified Ideographs. Should be shorter than 255 characters. Must have at least 3 letters, one of which must be lower case. Must not have more than 5 numbers. Can't include punctuation, asterisks or symbols. Current Documentation DataMapping: HotelName
The Property Class Type Code for the property. Validation: One of (PCT) Property Class Type Codes (OTA 2014B) Current Documentation DataMapping: HotelCategory/Code
Specifies the language in which the property wants their extranet content and communication (emails, notifications, ...) etc. Validation: One of Language Code Default: en-gb Current Documentation DataMapping: LanguageCode
The languages spoken by staff. Validation: One of Language Code DataMapping: HotelInfo->Languages
The number of sellable units the property offers. DataMapping: GuestRoomInfo->Quantity
Total number of floors the building has (excl. underground floors). Validation: Max value of 200 DataMapping: TotalNumberOfFloors->Number
An external id to be associated with the property (e.g. the providers internal id) Validation: Maximum length of 16 characters DataMapping: HotelInfo-ID defines the currency for each property. In most cases this should not be passed as only one currency is allowed per country. Retrieve a list of all currency codes with /xml/currencies Validation: Must be allowed for property's country Current Documentation Data Mapping: currencyCode
The number of stars a property has. Validation: String with values 0 through 5, optionally may include half stars for values 1 or greater (i.e. 0, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 ... 4, 4.5, 5) Default: 0 DataMapping: AffiliationInfo->Awards->Award
Specifies whether the request is to create a test property or a real property. Validation: String value of production or test DataMapping: Target
The name of the city, town, or village. Validation: We do not allow CJK Unified Ideographs Current Documentation: CityName DataMapping: ContactInfo/Addresses/CityName
Two-letter country code. Validation: One of Two-letter country code Country codes follow ISO 3166 Current Documentation: CountryName DataMapping: ContactInfo/Addresses/CountryName
Postal/zip code. Validation: We validate against country specific post code formats. Current Documentation: PostalCode DataMapping: ContactInfo/Addresses/PostalCode
The full street name and number. Validations: Minimum 1 at most 255 characters. We also do not allow CJK Unified Ideographs. Should not contain abbreviations (such as "Rd." for "Road") and should not exceed 255 characters. Current Documentation: AddressLine DataMapping: ContactInfo/Addresses/AddressLine
Specifies whether to hide the address details. Defaults to true. Current Documentation: HiddenAddress DataMapping: ContactInfo/HiddenAddress/ShouldHideAddress
The leid for the property. Current Documentation DataMapping: HotelInfo/OwnershipManagementInfos/OwnershipManagementInfo/CompanyName/Code
curl -i -X POST \ \
-H 'Accept-Version: string' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"translations": [
"city_name": "string",
"address_line": "string",
"language_code": "string",
"property_name": "string"
"position": {
"latitude": -90,
"longitude": -180
"check_in": {
"from": "string",
"until": "string"
"check_out": {
"from": "string",
"until": "string"
"property_name": "string",
"property_category": 0,
"primary_language": "string",
"languages_spoken": [
"room_count": 0,
"floor_count": 200,
"provider_property_id": "string",
"currency_code": "str",
"stars": "string",
"target": "test",
"physical_address": {
"city_name": "string",
"country_code": "string",
"postal_code": "string",
"address_line": "string",
"display_address": true
"legal_entity_id": 0
{ "data": { "property_id": 0 }, "warnings": [ { … } ], "errors": [ { … } ], "meta": { "ruid": "string" } }
curl -i -X GET \
'{propertyId}' \
-H 'Accept-Version: string'
{ "data": { "translations": [ … ], "position": { … }, "check_in": { … }, "check_out": { … }, "property_name": "string", "property_category": 0, "primary_language": "string", "languages_spoken": [ … ], "room_count": 0, "floor_count": 200, "provider_property_id": "string", "currency_code": "str", "stars": "string", "target": "test", "property_id": 0, "status": "string", "url": "string", "physical_address": { … }, "legal_entity_id": 0 }, "warnings": [ { … } ], "errors": [ { … } ], "meta": { "ruid": "string" } }
Non-English translations of the physical address Current Documentation DataMapping: Addresses
Current Documentation Data Mapping: Position
Current Documentation Data Mapping: PolicyInfo/CheckInTime/CheckOutTime
Validation: Specified via the format HH:MM, where HH can be 00 to 24 and MM can be 00 or 30 Required for check-in, optional for check-out 24-hour check-in/check-out can be specified using 00:00 as both from and to
Current Documentation Data Mapping: PolicyInfo/CheckInTime/CheckOutTime
Specifies the name of the property on Validation: We do not allow CJK Unified Ideographs. Should be shorter than 255 characters. Must have at least 3 letters, one of which must be lower case. Must not have more than 5 numbers. Can't include punctuation, asterisks or symbols. Current Documentation DataMapping: HotelName
The Property Class Type Code for the property. Validation: One of (PCT) Property Class Type Codes (OTA 2014B) Current Documentation DataMapping: HotelCategory/Code
Specifies the language in which the property wants their extranet content and communication (emails, notifications, ...) etc. Validation: One of Language Code Default: en-gb Current Documentation DataMapping: LanguageCode
The languages spoken by staff. Validation: One of Language Code DataMapping: HotelInfo->Languages
The number of sellable units the property offers. DataMapping: GuestRoomInfo->Quantity
Total number of floors the building has (excl. underground floors). Validation: Max value of 200 DataMapping: TotalNumberOfFloors->Number
An external id to be associated with the property (e.g. the providers internal id) Validation: Maximum length of 16 characters DataMapping: HotelInfo-ID defines the currency for each property. In most cases this should not be passed as only one currency is allowed per country. Retrieve a list of all currency codes with /xml/currencies Validation: Must be allowed for property's country Current Documentation Data Mapping: currencyCode
The number of stars a property has. Validation: String with values 0 through 5, optionally may include half stars for values 1 or greater (i.e. 0, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 ... 4, 4.5, 5) Default: 0 DataMapping: AffiliationInfo->Awards->Award
The name of the city, town, or village. Validation: We do not allow CJK Unified Ideographs Current Documentation: CityName DataMapping: ContactInfo/Addresses/CityName
Two-letter country code. Validation: One of Two-letter country code Country codes follow ISO 3166 Current Documentation: CountryName DataMapping: ContactInfo/Addresses/CountryName
Postal/zip code. Validation: We validate against country specific post code formats. Current Documentation: PostalCode DataMapping: ContactInfo/Addresses/PostalCode
The full street name and number. Validations: Minimum 1 at most 255 characters. We also do not allow CJK Unified Ideographs. Should not contain abbreviations (such as "Rd." for "Road") and should not exceed 255 characters. Current Documentation: AddressLine DataMapping: ContactInfo/Addresses/AddressLine
Specifies whether to hide the address details. Defaults to true. Current Documentation: HiddenAddress DataMapping: ContactInfo/HiddenAddress/ShouldHideAddress
curl -i -X PATCH \
'{propertyId}' \
-H 'Accept-Version: string' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"translations": [
"city_name": "string",
"address_line": "string",
"language_code": "string",
"property_name": "string"
"position": {
"latitude": -90,
"longitude": -180
"check_in": {
"from": "string",
"until": "string"
"check_out": {
"from": "string",
"until": "string"
"property_name": "string",
"property_category": 0,
"primary_language": "string",
"languages_spoken": [
"room_count": 0,
"floor_count": 200,
"provider_property_id": "string",
"currency_code": "str",
"stars": "string",
"physical_address": {
"city_name": "string",
"country_code": "string",
"postal_code": "string",
"address_line": "string",
"display_address": true
{ "data": { "property_id": 0 }, "warnings": [ { … } ], "errors": [ { … } ], "meta": { "ruid": "string" } }