Last updated

Self-certification tutorial: Property API

In this tutorial, you will use the Property API to:

  • Create a property
  • Read back the property details
  • Update the property details
  • Contact connectivity support to validate your integration and enable live/production property access

Who is this for

You should follow this if you are a developer who has completed the integration of Property API’s details endpoints and is looking to start using this with live properties in production.

Before you start

As a part of this guide, you will be creating a test property. Therefore, if you have reached your limit of test properties you will need to contact support at

Step 1 - Create a property

With your new Property API integration, create a property within your system that will trigger a request to the create property endpoint listed below. Save the RUID to include in your report to connectivity support (see below).

Sample request:

Header parameter

The following table describes the elements you can add in the header:

Content-Type: application/jsonSpecifies the expected content type.stringrequired
Accept-VersionSpecify the version number to get the API functionality specific to that version.stringoptionalCurrently supports the value: 1.0
Request body

The following is a request body example:

  "position": {
    "latitude": 52.388418,
    "longitude": 4.619941
  "check_in": {
    "from": "12:30"
  "check_out": {
    "from": "10:00",
    "until": "10:30"
  "property_name": "Floating hotel",
  "property_category": 30,
  "primary_language": "en-gb",
  "languages_spoken": [
  "room_count": 8,
  "floor_count": 1,
  "provider_property_id": "flotella003",
  "stars": "4",
  "target": "test",
  "physical_address": {
    "city_name": "Overveen",
    "country_code": "NL",
    "postal_code": "2051",
    "address_line": "Zandvoort",
    "display_address": true
  "translations": [
      "city_name": "Overveen",
      "address_line": "Zandvoort",
      "language_code": "es",
      "property_name": "Floating hotel"
  "legal_entity_id": "78775"

Response body

The following is a response body example:

  "data": {
    "property_id": 10664256
  "warnings": [],
  "meta": {
    "ruid": "08240512-21g4-4575-p94g-e76me888fwq4"

Step 2 - Read the property

Using your system, trigger a read request of the property you have just created. Save the RUID to include in your report to connectivity support.

Sample request:

Header parameter

The following table describes the elements you can add in the header:

Accept-VersionSpecify the version number to get the API functionality specific to that version.stringoptionalCurrently supports the value: 1.0
Response body
  "data": {
    "position": {
      "latitude": 52.388418,
      "longitude": 4.619941
    "check_in": {
      "from": "12:00"
    "check_out": {
      "from": "09:30",
      "until": "10:30"
    "property_name": "Floating hotel",
    "property_category": 30,
    "primary_language": "en-gb",
    "languages_spoken": [
    "room_count": 8,
    "floor_count": 1,
    "provider_property_id": "flotella003",
    "stars": "4",
    "target": "test",
    "currency_code": "EUR",
    "property_id": 10664256,
    "status": "Test Hotel",
    "physical_address": {
      "city_name": "Overveen",
      "country_code": "nl",
      "postal_code": "2051",
      "address_line": "Zandvoort",
      "display_address": true
    "translations": [
        "city_name": "Overveen",
        "address_line": "Zandvoort",
        "language_code": "es",
        "property_name": "Floating hotel"
    "legal_entity_id": "78775"
  "meta": {
    "ruid": "2ccea0cc-9a0b-4179-9c20-9436e50cc070"

Step 3 - Update the property

Using your system, trigger an update request using the endpoint listed below. Save the RUID to include in your report to connectivity support.

Sample Request:
Header parameter

The following table describes the elements you can add in the header:

Accept-VersionSpecify the version number to get the API functionality specific to that version.stringoptionalCurrently supports the value: 1.0
Request body:

The following is a request body example:

  "check_in": {
    "from": "12:00"
  "check_out": {
    "from": "09:30"
  "languages_spoken": [

Response body
  "data": {
    "property_id": 10664256
  "warnings": [],
  "meta": {
    "ruid": "1c9bff15-h4742-9l08-2ew3-df4fd1f1166b"

Step 4 - Send the RUIDs to

Send via your organization’s domain email the RUID values obtained in the response bodies of the POST, GET, and PATCH requests to for validation and certification.

Email template

I would like to be certified for production use of Property Details endpoint. Please find the RUIDs for all of the steps in the tutorial.

I look forward to hearing from you.