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Retrieving Property API metadata

Use the Property API meta endpoint to retrieve a full list of property categories and the mapping between OTA and Booking IDs. See also Property Class Type.

List of property details is mostly static

The meta endpoint returns a list of all supported categories and their details. Updates to this list are infrequent but can happen. Use this endpoint to get up-to-date information and pick up any newly introduced categories at

Retrieving property metadata

Use this endpoint to retrieve supported property categories and other details.


Response parameters

The following table describes the response elements:

dataRoot element containing property categories.object
> property_categoriesContains the list of property categories.array
>> codeSpecifies the internal property category code.integer
>> nameSpecifies the property category name.stringExample: "APARTMENT", "HOTEL"
>> code_otaSpecifies the OTA (Open Travel Alliance) code for the property category.integerOptional, present when property has an OTA mapping
>> code_booking_extendedSpecifies the extended category code.integerOptional, present for specific categories
>> additional_ota_mappingsSpecifies the additional OTA mappings for the property category.arrayOptional
>>> codeSpecifies the property category code for the additional mapping.integer
>>> nameSpecifies the alternative name for the property category.string
>>> code_otaSpecifies the additional OTA code mapping.integer

Response body example

Click to view an example response from the meta endpoint. This is an example and is not the source of truth. To retrieve an up-to-date list of all property class type codes and other details, implement the meta endpoint.
  "data": {
    "property_categories": [
        "code": 201,
        "name": "APARTMENT",
        "code_ota": 3,
        "additional_ota_mappings": [
            "code": 201,
            "name": "RESIDENTIAL_APARTMENT",
            "code_ota": 29
            "code": 201,
            "name": "SELF_CATERING_ACCOMMODATION",
            "code_ota": 32
            "code": 201,
            "name": "EFFICIENCY_STUDIO",
            "code_ota": 46
        "code": 208,
        "name": "BED_AND_BREAKFAST",
        "code_ota": 4
        "code": 214,
        "name": "CAMPGROUND",
        "code_ota": 6,
        "additional_ota_mappings": [
            "code": 214,
            "name": "RECREATIONAL_VEHICLE_PARK",
            "code_ota": 50
        "code": 228,
        "name": "CHALET",
        "code_ota": 7
        "code": 215,
        "name": "CRUISE",
        "code_ota": 12,
        "additional_ota_mappings": [
            "code": 215,
            "name": "FERRY",
            "code_ota": 14
            "code": 215,
            "name": "SAILING_SHIP",
            "code_ota": 31
            "code": 215,
            "name": "BOATEL",
            "code_ota": 44
        "code": 210,
        "name": "GUEST_FARM",
        "code_ota": 15,
        "additional_ota_mappings": [
            "code": 210,
            "name": "RANCH",
            "code_ota": 28
        "code": 203,
        "name": "HOSTEL",
        "code_ota": 19
        "code": 204,
        "name": "HOTEL",
        "code_ota": 20,
        "additional_ota_mappings": [
            "code": 204,
            "name": "BOUTIQUE",
            "code_ota": 45
            "code": 204,
            "name": "CHARM_HOTEL",
            "code_ota": 51
        "code": 218,
        "name": "INN",
        "code_ota": 21
        "code": 221,
        "name": "LODGE",
        "code_ota": 22
        "code": 205,
        "name": "MOTEL",
        "code_ota": 27
        "code": 206,
        "name": "RESORT",
        "code_ota": 30,
        "additional_ota_mappings": [
            "code": 206,
            "name": "HOLIDAY_RESORT",
            "code_ota": 18
            "code": 206,
            "name": "MEETING_RESORT",
            "code_ota": 23
            "code": 206,
            "name": "WILDLIFE_RESERVE",
            "code_ota": 36
        "code": 224,
        "name": "TENT",
        "code_ota": 33
        "code": 213,
        "name": "VILLA",
        "code_ota": 35
        "code": 216,
        "name": "PENSION",
        "code_ota": 40,
        "additional_ota_mappings": [
            "code": 216,
            "name": "GUEST_HOUSE_LIMITED_SERVICE",
            "code_ota": 16
        "code": 219,
        "name": "APART_HOTEL",
        "code_booking_extended": 5000
        "code": 227,
        "name": "RIAD",
        "code_booking_extended": 5001
        "code": 209,
        "name": "RYOKAN",
        "code_booking_extended": 5002
        "code": 226,
        "name": "LOVE_HOTEL",
        "code_booking_extended": 5003
        "code": 222,
        "name": "HOMESTAY",
        "code_booking_extended": 5004,
        "additional_ota_mappings": [
            "code": 222,
            "name": "MONASTERY",
            "code_ota": 26
        "code": 231,
        "code_booking_extended": 5005
        "code": 220,
        "name": "HOLIDAY_HOME",
        "code_booking_extended": 5006,
        "additional_ota_mappings": [
            "code": 220,
            "name": "CABIN_OR_BUNGALOW",
            "code_ota": 5
            "code": 220,
            "name": "CONDOMINIUM",
            "code_ota": 8
            "code": 220,
            "name": "MOBILE_HOME",
            "code_ota": 25
            "code": 220,
            "name": "VACATION_HOME",
            "code_ota": 34
            "code": 220,
            "name": "CASTLE",
            "code_ota": 37
            "code": 220,
            "name": "MANOR",
            "code_ota": 52
        "code": 223,
        "name": "COUNTRY_HOUSE",
        "code_booking_extended": 5007
        "code": 225,
        "name": "CAPSULE_HOTEL",
        "code_booking_extended": 5008
        "code": 212,
        "name": "HOLIDAY_PARK",
        "code_booking_extended": 5009
  "warnings": [],
  "errors": [],
  "meta": {
    "ruid": "..."