Troubleshooting Property API error responses
This topic lists all the possible errors you might encounter while using the Property API and how to resolve them.
Working with errors
This section captures a list of common HTTP errors you might encounter and possible solutions to fix them.
Duplicate property error response
Below you can find example responses from our duplicate check during property creation. For more see API validations while creating a property.
"warnings": [],
"errors": [
"message": "Cannot create duplicate property",
"code": 850,
"details": {
"associated_with_legal_entity": true,
"associated_with_provider": true,
"duplicate_property_id": 123456
"description": "This property already exists. Please consider creating a new room type or increasing the quantity of an existing room type."
"meta": {
"ruid": "1c9bff15-f321-7J0kl-8rw4-df4fd1f1166b"
"warnings": [],
"errors": [
"message": "Cannot create duplicate property",
"code": 850,
"details": {
"associated_with_legal_entity": false,
"associated_with_provider": false
"description": "This property already exists, but is not associated with your account."
"meta": {
"ruid": "1c9bff15-f321-7J0kl-8rw4-df4fd1f1166b"
Quick Actions
→ To create and manage property details, see Managing property details.
→ To learn more about the Property API use cases, see Property API implementation use cases.