/bookingDetails - V3 migration guide
In V2, the bookingDetails endpoint returns a list of accommodation bookings that have been made through your account or with one of your affiliate ids.
In V3, two separate endpoints provide the equivalent functionality:
- /orders/details provides basic information about each returned order.
- /orders/details/accommodations provides information about the accommodation-specific part of each returned order.
The /orders/details/* endpoints do not return static accommodation data that was returned by bookingDetails
. To obtain static accommodation data you must use the /accommodations/details endpoint.
Use the following tables to identify how to migrate request query parameters and response fields from a V2 bookingDetails
call to the appropriate V3 equivalent.
Request parameter mappings
The following tables show:
- parameter mappings to the /orders/details endpoint.
- parameter mappings to the /orders/details/accommodations endpoint.
- parameters that have no equivalent mapping in V3.
/orders/details request mappings
V2 query parameter | Equivalent V3 field |
created_from created_until | created.from created.to |
last_change | updated.from, updated.to |
local_fee_currency | currency |
offset | page |
new in V3 | sort.by sort.direction |
rows | maximum_results |
/orders/details/accommodations request mappings
V2 query parameter | Equivalent V3 field |
extras=cancellation_info extras=mealplans | extras=[policies] |
local_fee_currency | currency |
reservation_id | reservations |
No equivalent V3 mapping
V2 query parameter | Notes |
checkin_from checkin_until | |
checkout_from checkout_until | |
extras=auth_form_url | |
extras=hotel_page_url extras=key_collection_info | Use /accommodations/details to obtain this information. |
extras=no_show extras=status_details | Not required. Both /orders/details and /orders/details/accommodations return status details by default. |
extras=receipt_url | The payment receipt is only available when you use /orders/create . |
extras=total_room_nights | |
last_change_day | |
options | |
stay_probability_from stay_probability_to |
Response schema mappings
This section contains the following tables:
- /orders/details response mappings
- /orders/details/accommodations response mappings
- /accommodations/details response mappings
- Fields with no V3 equivalent
/orders/details response mappings
V2 field | Equivalent V3 field |
affiliate_id | affiliate |
booker_city | booker.address.city |
booker_email | booker_email |
booker_firstname | booker.name.first_name |
booker_lastname | booker.name.last_name |
booker_phone | booker.telephone |
created | created |
currency | currency.accommodation |
euro_fee | commission.amount.accommodation_currency |
guest_price_euro | price.total.accommodation_currency Note: In V2 this price was always in Euros. In V3 this price is in the currency used by the accommodation. |
language | booker.language |
local_fee | commission.amount.booker_currency |
loyalty: > rewards: >> type >> amount >> is_eligible >> fulfillment_at_utc >> fulfillment >> loyalty_member_data: >>> field_name >>> field_value >> currency >> payout_after | loyalty_reward Note: For more information see the description in the API Reference. |
ttv: > amount > currency | price |
status | status Note: In V3 status is available at the order, accommodation and product level. |
travel_purpose | booker.travel_purpose |
user_device | booker.platform |
/orders/details/accommodations response mappings
V2 field | Equivalent V3 field |
affiliate_label | label |
cancellation_date | cancellation_details.at |
cancellation_fee | cancellation_details.fee |
cancellation_info: > from > fee The cancellation_info fields currency , timezone and until have no equivalent mapping in V3. See Fields with no V3 equivalent. | products.policies.cancellation: > from > price Note: V3 handles cancellations differently to V2. |
extra_charges_breakdown: > extra_charge: >> name >> charge_amount >> currency >> excluded >> charge_price_mode >> name_id >> amount | products.prices Note: V3 handles prices differently to V2. See Accommodation pricing guide. |
checkin | checkin |
checkout | checkout |
currency | currency.accommodation |
external_reservation_ids | accommodation_order_references |
fee_percentage | commission.actual_percentage |
hotel_id | accommodation |
hotel_email | accommodation_details.email |
hotel_name | accommodation_details.name |
destination_ufi hotel_address hotel_coordinates: > latitude > longitude hotel_countrycode hotel_zipcode | accommodation_details.location |
pincode | pin_code |
reservation_id | reservation Note: See Reservation and order ids. |
rooms: > id | product.room |
rooms: > name | product.room_details.name |
status | status, products.status Note: In V3 status is available at the order, accommodation and product level. |
V2 field | Equivalent V3 field |
guest_email | products.guests.email |
guest_name | products.guests.name |
mealplan: > dinner: >> price_per_person_per_night >> number_of_nights >> included >> number_of_persons > lunch: (breakdown as dinner )> breakfast: (breakdown as dinner ) | products.policies.meal_plan Note: The V2 mealplan and V3 meal_plan structures are different. |
nr_guests | products.allocation |
smoking_preference | products.policies.smoking_preference |
/accommodations/details response mappings
V2 field | Equivalent V3 field |
chain_ids | brands |
key_collection_info: > alternative_key_location > key_location > how_to_collect | key_collection_information |
url | url |
receipt_url | This data is available from the /orders/create endpoint. |
creditslip | You can find the credit_slip field under orders/details/accommodation response. |
Fields with no V3 equivalent
V2 field | Notes |
auth_form_url | |
booker_mailinglist | |
cancellation_info: > currency > timezone > until | The cancellation_info fields from and fee are mapped. See /orders/details/accommodations response mappings. |
charges: > included > transaction_sum > excluded | The charges object was deprecated in V2.10. |
destination_name | To get the name of the city in which the accommodation is located: 1. Call /accommodations/details . The location.city value in the response returns the city id .2. Call /common/locations/cities and specify the city id in the request. |
direct_payment_info: > payment_amount_paid > percent_paid > currency > payment_amount | |
fee_calculation_date | |
guest_price_local price_euro | V3 handles prices differently to V2. See Accommodation pricing guide. |
hotel_fax | |
key_collection_info: > other_text | |
nr_guests | The products.allocation field in the /orders/details/accommodations response gives the number of guests in each room. You can use this information to calculate the total number of guests. |
nr_modification_allowed: > from > timezone > until | |
nr_rooms | You can obtain this data by counting the number of items in the products array in the /orders/details/accommodations response |
total_room_nights | |
rooms: > guest_comments > rres_id | |
sustainable_hotel |
In V2 there are multiple endpoints (canChangeRoomReservation, changeHotelReservation and changeRoomReservation) to modify reservation details such as arrival date, departure, credit card details, etc.
Note there are currently no equivalents for those in V3 (This is subject to 2025 roadmap planning).