Migration guides
Version 3 of the Demand API is a fundamental redesign and evolution of the API, which provides significant improvements to user experience, and to application performance.
Plan your migration
Follow these steps to help you plan your migration, identify the things that you need to consider, and find the information that you'll need to implement it:
✓ Learn about Demand API | Discover the Demand API verticals and endpoint collections. |
✓ Get familiar with endpoints |
✓ Discover Key changes in V3 | This topic summarises the main changes that we have made to the API architecture, design and functionality between V2 and V3. |
Choose your migration guide
Accommodation integration
Are you migrating from v2 to v3? Check here to understand and construct the main migration requirements for your particular accommodation integration.
Car rental integration
If you are migrating from previous Car rental XML API to v3.1 Demand API car rental collection - Explore here the new API design and mapping information.
Curious to know more?
- Learn how to migrate individual V2 accommodation endpoints to its V3 equivalent(s).
- Refer to the general car rental guides for more information about endpoints and use cases.
- Refer to the Versioning strategy section for instructions on how to upgrade to new versions.
- Check the Try out guide for step-by-step instructions on how to use accommodation endpoints.