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Migrate individual V2 endpoints

Replace all calls to V2 endpoints in your application with calls to equivalent V3 endpoints.

For each call, check the following:

  • The V3 call uses the POST method and the correct URL. See Endpoint structure.
  • The V3 call uses the bearer token for the correct API user, and that the token is valid. See Authentication.
  • You have updated your code to correctly handle every query parameter and response field that you used in your V2 call:
    • Where a V2 parameter or field is mapped to a V3 field, familiarise yourself with how the V3 field is implemented and used, and update your code accordingly.
    • Where a V2 parameter or field has no available mapping in V3, update your code to handle the situation correctly.
    • Make sure that you are calling any other V3 endpoints that you need to obtain codes or ids used in any request parameters or response fields.

Do not assume that mapped parameters or fields work in exactly the same way in V3 as they did in V2. V3 is a significant redesign of the Demand API and some things work very differently. Use this documentation, the API Reference, and your own experimentation and testing to make sure that you migrate each V2 call correctly.

See V2 endpoints and their V3 equivalents.

  • If you use a redirection URL from an endpoint response to redirect a traveller from your application to, make sure that the URL in the V3 response includes the correct affiliate id for tracking and attribution purposes. See Affiliate ID tracking.
  • You have appropriate error handling logic in place for every error that could occur on the endpoint.

V2 endpoints and their V3 equivalents

The following table lists all the V2 endpoints that currently have V3 equivalents. For each endpoint, links are provided to:

  • the relevant API reference topic
  • the relevant migration guide, where one exists.

Use these links to examine exactly how each V2 endpoint maps to its V3 equivalent.


In V2 there are multiple endpoints to change reservations (example: canChangeHotelReservation) e.g. arrival date, departure, credit card details etc - there are currently no equivalents for those in V3 (This is subject to 2025 roadmap planning).