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Cancellation policies

This guide outlines the cancellation policies supported by the Demand API and includes examples of how to retrieve policy details using various endpoints during the pre-booking, booking phases and post-booking phases.

Cancellation types

Cancellation policies play a crucial role in the booking process, determining the terms under which a traveller can cancel their reservation and whether they are entitled to a refund or must pay a fee.

There are three types of policies that are supported in Demand API with different level of flexibility:


Flexible policies - Free cancellation until

This policy allows travellers to cancel their bookings without incurring fees within a specified time frame, usually:

  • 24-48 hours before checkin time.
  • 7 days before arrival.
  • By 12:00 PM on the day of arrival.

Properties can set how many days prior to the check in of the reservation the traveller can cancel for free.

This is ideal for travellers seeking flexibility in their plans.

Partially refundable policies - Special conditions

Bookings can be cancelled under this policy, but a cancellation fee will always apply.

  • Travellers will incur a cancellation fee based on 50% of the total booking price or the cost of the first night stay.
  • Properties decide the terms of the partial fees and refunds.


  • You can check the specific conditions and fees applied to products by reviewing the order/preview response.

Note that Third-party inventory accommodations do not offer special conditions policies on their products as only flexible policies are available.

Non-refundable policies

Under this policy, travellers must always pay the full amount of the total booking cost when cancelling their bookings, unless local laws specify otherwise.

  • The charge may happen at any time from the booking.
  • This policy is typically associated with lower-priced, non-flexible rates.


Cancellation fees

There are 3 different fees that can be applied:


  • Check the cancellation fee calculation by looking at either the orders/details or orders/preview endpoints responses.
  • Inform your travellers about the applicable fees during the booking process.

Important considerations

✓ Do not forget to inform your travellers about the applicable policy when displaying your product page and during the booking process.

✓ Make sure you display the cancellation fee in line to local regulation. Example: Properties in Germany cannot charge 100% of total booking cost for cancellations by law.

Cancellation types/fees in Demand API

Our Demand API provides detailed information about the cancellation policies, timelines and fees for each product block.

Did you know?

Cancellation policies are returned per-product rather than per-order. This allows you to easily manage complex multi-room bookings where different policies apply to different rooms.

Similarly to what offers in the website, each stage provides a different level of detail:

Phase EndpointResponse
Return basic information about the cancellation policy type.
If free cancellation applies, you can check until when.

Note: At this stage applicable special conditions fees are not yet disclosed.
Bookingorders/previewRetrieve applied cancellation policy type together with timelines and applicable fees.
Post-bookingorders/details/accommodationsReturns the product details including the applicable cancellation policy together with timelines and fees.

Refer to the Try out guide for tips on how to use these endpoints.


When searching for accommodations calling the /search and /availability endpoints, you can already get a simplified version of the cancellation policy.

The responses include a list of accommodations with products that meet the specified search criteria, together with the applied cancellation types.

Response key fields

These are the fields included in the response:

Field Description
policies.cancellationProvides all the details of the cancellation policy assigned to the product.
free_cancellation_untilIn case there is free cancellation, you can also see the date and time up to when an order for the product can be cancelled for free.

If there is no free cancellation and special conditions or non-refundable policies apply, it returns “Null”.
typeCancellation policy applicable to the product. One out of the 3 available options: non_refundable, free_cancellation or special_conditions.
Timezone and timestamp

The default timezone in our Demand API is UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and the timestamps follow the ISO 8601 standard format.

Examples 1 - Free cancellation until

On this request, for this property there is a flexible cancellation policy, and travellers can cancel for free until 2025-10-06T21:59:59+00:00

"policies": {
  "cancellation": {
    "free_cancellation_until": "2025-10-06T21:59:59+00:00",
    "schedule": [
        "from": "now",
        "price": 0
        "from": "2025-10-06T22:00:00+00:00",
        "price": 4716.9
    "type": "free_cancellation"

genius-bulb Inform your travellers on the available policies when displaying your product page.

Example 2 - Special conditions

In this case, the cancellation policy type is "special conditions" hence the free_cancellation_until field is marked as"null". This means there is no free cancellation and a fee may apply.

"products": [
    "number_available_at_this_price": 10,
    "policies": {
      "cancellation": {
        "free_cancellation_until": null,
        "type": "special_conditions"
      "meal_plan": {
        "meals": [],
        "plan": "no_plan"
      "payment": {
        "timings": [
    "price": {
      "book": 204.00,
      "total": 204.00
    "room": 1050736002

At this stage fees are not yet disclosed for special conditions policies. Use the orders/preview endpoint to get further details on fees and timelines.

Example 3 - Non refundable policy

When a product has a "non_refundable" type of policy, the "free_cancellation_until" field returns null, as this is not applicable.

  "products": [
      "id": "1000420_95127794_2_0_0",
      "children": [],
      "deal": null,
      "number_of_adults": 2,
      "policies": {
        "cancellation": {
          "free_cancellation_until": null,
          "type": "non_refundable"
        "meal_plan": {
          "meals": [],
          "plan": "no_plan"
        "payment": {
          "timings": [

At this stage fees are not yet disclosed for non-refundable policies. Use the orders/preview endpoint to get further details on fees and timelines.

Booking: Orders/preview

To view the cancellation policy details and final fees for a specific product:

  • Call the orders/preview endpoint.
  • Check the data.accommodation.products.policies.cancellation field for all the cancellation policies-related details.

Refer to the Create orders guide for tips and examples on using the orders/preview endpoint.

Response key fields

These are the fields included in the data.accommodation.products.policies.cancellation response:

Field Description
FromThis parameter indicates the time from which the cancellation fee applies.

- Using now means the policy is effective immediately at the time of booking.
priceThis field discloses the fee that must be paid upon cancellation.

This endpoint provides a final review before the booking, so ensure that the cancellation policy details are clearly presented to travellers.

Example 1 - Free cancellation

In the following example:

"products": [
    "id": "1000420_278556531_2_0_0",
    "deal": null,
    "policies": {
      "cancellation": [
          "from": "now",
          "price": {
            "accommodation_currency": 0,
            "booker_currency": null
          "from": "2025-12-08T23:00:00+00:00",
          "price": {
            "accommodation_currency": 177.65,
            "booker_currency": null
  • Indicates that from the moment of the booking, the traveller must pay the indicated price (fee).

    • Here, the price is 0, reflecting a free cancellation policy.
  • The next from parameter specifies the deadline after which travellers will incur a cancellation fee (in this example 279.00)

    • This indicates that travellers can cancel for free until 2025-12-08T23:00:00+00:00.
    • After this point, a cancellation fee will apply starting from 2025-12-08T23:00:00+00:00.

Example 2 - Non refundable

In the following example the field indicates that from the moment of the booking, the traveller must pay the indicated fee for cancellations (170).

  "id": "1000420_95127794_2_0_0",
  "policies": {
    "cancellation": [
        "from": "now",
        "price": {
          "accommodation_currency": 170,
          "booker_currency": null
  "price": {
    "base": {
      "accommodation_currency": 162.98,
      "booker_currency": null
    "extra_charges": {
      "conditional": [
          "charge": 3,
          "condition": 30,
          "mode": "per_stay",
          "percentage": null,
          "total_amount": {
            "accommodation_currency": 10,
            "booker_currency": null
          "unit_amount": null
    "total": {
      "accommodation_currency": 195.06,
      "booker_currency": null

Post-booking: Orders/details

The Orders/details and Orders/details/accommodations endpoints present in their responses whether an order has been cancelled (in the status field) and also under which terms ( in cancellation_details field) including the cancellation fee that was charged, and when it was charged.

Example - Free cancellation until

In this example the cancellation_details field is null because the order has not yet been cancelled, and the checkin is on the "2025-08-24".

  "accommodation_order_references": [],
  "cancellation_details": null,
  "checkin": "2025-08-24",
  "checkout": "2025-08-26",
  "commission": {...},
  "products": [
  "policies": {
    "cancellation": [
        "from": "2025-08-22T14:22:43+00:00",
        "price": {
          "accommodation_currency": 45.00,
          "booker_currency": 38.35
  "status": "booked"
  • The cancellation is free until 2 days before the checkin date.
  • From 2025-08-22 (UCT time) the traveller will be charged the stated amount (38.35)

Best practices

When handling cancellation policies in your application:

  • Clearly display cancellation terms to users during the booking process.
  • When proceeding an order, it is crucial to emphasise the cancellation deadlines and fees within your application.

Curious to know more?
  • For a better understanding of the cancellation process, check the Handling cancellations guide.
  • Refer to the Orders section for instructions on how to use the orders/details and orders/preview endpoints.
  • You can also check the workflow for pre-booking and booking phases in the Try out full guide.