You can set a star rating only for Hotel (non-Home) properties. For example, Hostel, Resort, Motel or Capsule Hotel among others and not Apartment or Villa and so on.
To verify whether your property belongs to a Hotel property, see the property class type table.
Exception for France and its territories
As an exception you can set star rating for Home properties that are located only in France and its territories (country codes FR, YT, GP, MQ, RE, MF, and GF).
Field | Description | Type | Min/max | Notes |
Awards/Award | Details of an award. | object | 0..* | - |
Award /@Provider | The type of award. | enum | 0..1 | Accepts: Star rating |
Award /@Rating | The number of stars. | int | 0..1 | Accepts: 0 –5 . Some countries don't use star ratings. |
Provider="Star rating"
Rating="3" />