As per new French legislation which will be effective 1st January 2019, is required to collect and remit tourist tax for its non professional partners in France. This will only be the case for the reservations of which is facilitating the payment between the booker and the French partner. In order for us to understand whether we are required to do this for you, please answer the questions below. Your answers to the 3 questions will help us determine whether you are professional or not. Only in case you have answered "no" to the 3 questions, we will also ask you to confirm your category. More information about the tax legislation can be found here.
Field | Description | Type | Min/max | Notes |
TPA_Extensions/PropertyTaxInfo | Object that contains city tax-related information. | object | 0..1 | - |
PropertyTaxInfo /@PropertyRegisteredInVcs * | Are you registered as a professional at the trade commercial register (Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés)? | int | 0..1 | Accepts: 1 (yes), 0 (no). |
PropertyTaxInfo /@PropertyHasVat * | Do you have a VAT registered for this activity? | int | 0..1 | Accepts: 1 (yes), 0 (no). |
PropertyTaxInfo /@PropertyDeclaresRevenue * | Do you declare revenues as professional for direct tax purposes (see article 155 IV du CGI)? | int | 0..1 | Accepts: 1 (yes), 0 (no). |
PropertyTaxInfo /@PropertyTaxCategory | Contains a number - city tax category id. You can retrieve available categories using the /xml/citytaxcategory call. If your answer to any of the preceding questions is (yes), then you must NOT send the PropertyTaxCategory . The system sets it up automatically. | int | 0..1 | Accepts: integer value containing category ID. |
PropertyTaxInfo /@PropertyNatureCategory | Contains a number - nature category id. You can retrieve available categories using /xml/citytaxcategory call. | int | 0..1 | Accepts: integer value containing category ID. |
** parameters marked with asterisk (*) are mandatory **
HotelName="Fake Hotel"